Kathy Henne: Raise the curtains


If you’re selling in any market, you might find “staging” your home can help generate more interest and offers. You needn’t spend thousands of dollars on improvements or professional consultants, however. There are several things you can take into your own hands to improve your home’s appeal.

Begin by removing scatter rugs and knickknacks, which can clutter a room. In the kitchen, remove all the appliances from the countertops except the coffee maker and microwave. Set your dining room table in a welcoming fashion, with plates, flatware and colorful napkins. Fresh flowers also add to the ambiance.

You might be tempted to throw everything into the closets, but the buyers will be looking in there, too, so box everything up and place it in a storage unit off site. Clean all the “out of season” clothes out of your closet. Buyers are always looking for spacious closets.

Focus on the “feature rooms” — the dining and living areas and the master bedroom – keeping additional rooms as sparsely furnished as possible. It isn’t good for a potential buyer to walk into a room and trip over your excess furniture. Also, excess furniture makes a room look smaller. How many buyers do you know that are looking for smaller rooms? Do your deep cleaning now, scrubbing the walls and floors and shining up those windows. A fresh coat of neutral paint is always welcomed.

It has been estimated that one out of four homes listed are “staged.” Staging your home will get you more money in your pocket and cause you to spend less time on the market. You may need to spend a bit of money, but you’ll reap the rewards. Ask your real estate professional to help you stage your home and listen to their advise.

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