Letter: I would like your vote Nov. 2


To the Editor:

In the Nov. 2, 2021 election, I would like your vote. I would like to continue the movement that has been started by all of the Commissioners and City Manager to be transparent and citizen-centered. The citizens of Piqua deserve it, and they have been asking for it.

We need more citizens like Nolan Campbell who are willing to volunteer their time and effort to help this city. I have and will always encourage him to be involved and part of the process and respect all that he does to make this city better. Yet this is why I would like your vote though. I have lived here most of my life. I have spent time with the citizens getting to know them and their families. Through my work at the police department, I have met lots more people. I was not a perfect Officer, and I still am not. I made mistakes and grew as an Officer from those mistakes. That growth allowed me become a better person. One that understands that no one is perfect and that we all need help from time to time.

There are three things I want for Piqua. One, for its leadership to be transparent with the citizens about what is going on in the city. Two, for the city’s leadership to continue to be citizen-centered and allow the residents of this great city to have a say in the processes and the changes that occur to the city. Three, for the city to be fiscally sound and responsible. The current city manager is putting us on a track that will ensure that for the citizens. Our Commissioners work well together. I don’t condone any negatives toward them or my opponent. We are being fiscally sound with your money.

Let’s look to the future of Piqua together.

Please vote for me on Nov. 2, 2021.

Thank you.

— Kris Lee


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