Letter: Lopez is best candidate for judge


To the Editor:

Jessica Lopez, a candidate for Municipal Court Judge, is a very active member of the Troy Noon Optimists. She abides by, and practices the Optimistic Creed on a daily basis.

As laid out in the Optimist Creed, she is strong enough to not allow anything to disturb her peace of mind. Jessica talks positivity to every person she meets. This candidate values all individuals and respects the values held by citizens she serves. Jessica lives optimistically and looks for the sunny side of all issues. She seeks the best, works for the best, and expects the best of situations. Jessica is enthusiastic about successes of all and is not self-centered. She always presses on for greater achievements that lead into the future. Jessica wears a cheerful countenance and displays smiles to all she meets. Her demeanor is to always try her best; she is not a vocal critic of others. Jessica is an encourager, she stays calm, fears not, and clears hurdles.

Jessica Lopez is the best candidate for the upcoming election for Municipal Court Judge. She is passionate about her work, and has the character within to make clear, honest, and appropriate judgements in cases sent her way, whether they be criminal, traffic, probation for adults, small claims, trusteeships, civil, or landlord-tenant. She is most fair, honest, and respectful.

Fellow Troy Noon Optimists and Miami County Citizens who witness to Jessica’s character and work ethic,

Janice and Steven Hamman


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