Letter: Vote no to DORA to keep Troy safe


To the Editor:

If there ever is a need for a large number of advocates to arise on a voter issue, I believe such exists now on Troy’s DORA. I believe advocates are needed for dozens of businesses entrapped within the DORA zone who have, at best two (family) votes to defend their interests. They were automatically placed captive in Troy’s DORA zone by five out of seven city council members voting yes on DORA on March 15, 2021. Thankfully, an overriding vote is given to us on the Nov. 2 ballot. This enables advocates to help those DORA zone captives, by providing them additional no votes. This will reassure them that Troy citizens still desire for our city to remain “a family-oriented community” and not be seen as a great place to hold a “booze party” by persons within a reasonable traveling distance. Such persons will not come to Troy intending to benefit our downtown. They will basically be unconcerned about our overall well-being and of our view of their behavior. Vote no to keep Troy’s “Bourbon Street” DORA closed to such.

Promoters of a yes vote to DORA basically refer to favorable results from surveys of other Ohio cities having a DORA zone. Such results are not applicable unless their DORA zone closely resembles ours. Their zone must be centered around a beautiful central fountain and a four-quadrant shaped plaza that contains two busy crisscrossing major highways and no longer has any traffic lights at the four pedestrian crossings Wherein, an increase in pedestrians, especially with many of them drinking and feeling their booze, will likely cause the downtown to sporadically be inconveniently closed to motor vehicles for safety issues. Such, will limit tragic accidents and liability claims, but it also will tend to deter patrons of some captive downtown businesses. Once it is discovered how easily the central closing can be caused, the boozer could often opt for the larger, less inhibited and desirable booze party plaza (central road ways and fountain area). Voting no on Dora will keep central Troy safe, desirable and drive-able for us all.

Statutes of this potential negative impact are dangerous when governed by a “lets try it and see what happens” viewpoint, I’ve found to exist for many I’ve talked to. A better outlook is, “if we err, let’s make it on the side of caution.” If the vote is yes, we all can lose the Troy we now have. If the vote is no, only a few will lose their anticipated profits and not something they already rely upon. Whereas, the businesses which can lose it all by DORA are the ones who need our votes of no.

— Allen Easterday

Troy resident and voter

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