“Look Who is Recycling” award winners announced


For the Miami Valley Today

TROY — Troy Mayor Robin Oda and Street Department Foreman Justin Olivieri presented the third quarter’s “Look Who Is Recycling” award at Oct. 18’s Troy City Council meeting. Rumpke of Ohio, Inc., the city of Troy’s curbside recycling contractor, runs the “Look Who Is Recycling” program as a tool to encourage residential recycling. Awards are given out quarterly to city of Troy residents who actively recycle and share their reasons for doing so.

The most recent winners are Mallory and Joe Isaacs of Dorset Road and their two children, Rylan, 14, and Piper, 10. To the question, “Why do you recycle?” the Isaacs family wrote, “Our family recycles so that we can help with just a small part of protecting our local environment. We want to ensure that our kids and eventually grandkids can enjoy the county parks and surrounding area.”

For citizens interested in the “Look Who Is Recycling” program, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BGC8K5S and answer the question, “Why do you recycle?” Winners of the awards receive a gift bag and a gift card from a local restaurant, provided by Rumpke.

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