ME BOE approves classroom addition


By Matt Clevenger

For Miami Valley Today

CASSTOWN — The Miami East Local Schools Board of Education is moving forward with plans to construct a new wing at the district’s elementary school, adding four new classrooms and expanding the school’s playground area.

Board of education members approved a $1,149,402.71 contract with Westerheide Construction for the project during their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, May 17. “I’m glad to see that we’re proactively moving ahead with these,” board president Mark Iiames said. “We may not fill them all up today, but they’re here for us for the future.”

“We’ll do the four classrooms in the elementary wing, and expand the elementary playground,” district superintendent Dr. Todd Rappold said. “Construction is set to begin in early to mid-June, and should be completed by the end of December.”

“There are other facility needs in the district,” Dr. Rappold said “I’m appreciative that we’re looking at the classrooms first.”

“That school is 16 years old,” he said. “The bids are pretty much right on; it’s pretty much what we had talked about for the last two or three years for an estimated cost.”

In other business, board member Mike Rindler also delivered his letter of resignation, effective May 31.

“This is in no way a negative reflection on the school,” Rindler said. “I’ve just been asked to serve in another political position that I think I can really help out with. I checked with the county board of elections; they say it is incompatible, so I cannot serve on both.”

“I was always proud serving here,” he said. “There are a lot of great people that I have enjoyed working with. I hope to continue on the building committee, and anything else as needed.”

Board members also voted to formally approve 98 seniors from the class of 2021 for graduation and approved three early-release days for seniors on May 25-27. Board members went on to renew the district’s random drug testing policy, then voted to accept donations of $ $100 from Beth Culbertson for the Miami East Athletic Program, $100 from the American Heart Association to the elementary school principal’s fund and $49.75 from various donors for the Miami East Athletic Cheer Program

Board members also approved an $8,456 donation from the Doris McMillan memorial for the Miami East FFA program. “This is the second year that we’ve received funds in memory of Doris McMillan.”

District treasurer Lisa Fahncke said. “I know that is so very needed and welcomed by our FFA program. Our kids do a fantastic job, and these funds help in those endeavors. We couldn’t be more appreciative of that donation as well as all the other donations we receive from the community throughout the year.”

Board members adjourned their meeting to executive session for consideration of the appointment, employment, of a public employee or official. Board members’ next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at Miami East High School on Monday, June 21.

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