Miami County Commissioners award waterline project


MIAMI COUNTY — On Tuesday, the Board of Miami County Commissioners award the Upper Valley Medical Center (UVMC) Waterline Extension Loop project to Degen Excavation Company, Inc., of Lima, as well as authorized executing the contract and the issuing a notice to proceed.

“The bids came in underneath our estimates,” Miami County Sanitary Engineer Paul Huelskamp said on Tuesday.

The cost of the contract with Degen Excavation Company is $935,950. This new waterline extension loop will come down Experiment Farm Road out of the city of Troy and supply water to the hospital. The cost of the project was estimated at $1,109,500. The savings will be split between the entities funding this project, which include the Miami County Sanitary Engineering Department, the city of Troy, UVMC, the Ohio Public Works Commission, and Bruns.

At previous meetings, Huelskamp explained the waterline loop will keep water going to UVMC should there be a failure of its current “dead-end line,” which runs from the city of Troy and down County Road 25-A. There is a water tower on the UVMC property, which Huelskamp said previously would last the hospital approximately half of a day if there were a failure of the current waterline.

Also during their meeting, the commissioners signed a grant agreement between the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections and the Miami County Common Pleas Court due to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections providing a grant of $225,000 to go toward the implementation of a new Miami County Adult Probation Department. Due a change in the state law, Miami County Common Pleas Court will be setting up its own local probation department this year instead of relying on the state’s Adult Parole Authority (APA). Common Pleas Court also has $100,000 budgeted for the start up of this new department.

The commissioners also authorized the issuance bonds on behalf of the Miami County Auditor Matt Gearhardt. The commissioners authorized different options for Gearhardt to do so at the advice of securities brokers, including either the issuance of not to exceed $3,325,000 of refunding bonds, the issuance of not to exceed $3,000,000 of bonds by Miami County, and/or the issuance of $325,000 Caldwell Ditch project bond anticipation notes.

The first possibility includes permanently financing bond anticipation notes originally issued to pay the costs of paying a portion of the cost of improving the Caldwell Ditch with refunding the county’s various purpose bonds. The other two include splitting those up to authorize the issuance of not to exceed the principal sum of $3,000,000 for any of the purposes of refunding the county’s various purpose bonds and to authorize the issuance of not to exceed $325,000 of Caldwell Ditch project bond anticipation notes. For the latter, those bonds would bear interest at the approximately rate of 4 percent per annum and mature in annual installments over a period not to exceed 15 years.

A confirming resolution is expected to be adopted at a later date.

Later on, the commissioners accepted a quote from Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., to restore flat roof sections at the north and south ends of the Miami County Safety Building. The cost is not to exceed approximately $138,672.

Waterline loop to extend water to UVMC

By Sam Wildow

Miami Valley Today

Reach the writer at [email protected]. © 2020 Miami Valley Today, all rights reserved.

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