Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter encourages road safety during harvest


For the Miami Valley Today

MIAMI COUNTY — One of the most hazardous industries in the United States is agriculture. As a result, many injuries and illnesses occur to farmers and ranchers almost everyday across the nation. The Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter salutes the hard-working farmers and ranchers that feed the country and the world.

Farmers, ranchers, and the general public are often injured when agricultural machinery is involved in roadway incidents. To increase the awareness of the limitations of agricultural machinery in traveling speed and maneuverability, the National Safety Council will observe the National Farm Safety and Health Week focusing on this issue from Sept. 20-24.

As you travel the rural roads of Miami County, please drive slowly and cautiously. Farmers can’t maneuver or slow as quickly as a passenger vehicle. Farmers also drive their equipment on the road during all hours of the day and night. Please be advised that large farm equipment often takes up more of the road than a car or truck.

Walking and running are common forms of exercise in rural areas. The safest way to walk or run on rural roads is to travel on the side of the road with the traffic coming at you. In this way, you can see the situation ahead. If you’re facing the traffic, then you can react to the situation. If not, the result could be tragic.

Riding a bicycle is a common form of exercise in rural areas. When riding a bicycle, wear your helmet and travel on the road with traffic. Mirrors are available to attach to either the bicycle or the helmet that can help you see what is coming up from behind. Remember that everyone shares the road, so take safety into your own hands.

The Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter wishes everyone a safe and productive harvest season. When you see a slow moving vehicle, please slow down.

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