Near-site employer health clinic opens in Miami County


PIQUA — A new healthcare delivery model has been adopted among a select group of local employers to deliver exceptional healthcare services to their employees while controlling health care costs. A.M. Leonard, Miami Valley Steel Service, Superior Aluminum Products, Inc., Jackson Tube Service, Inc., Production Paint Finishers, Inc., RK HydroVac, and Harmony Systems & Service, LLC have partnered to open the first near-site health clinic in the region.

Employer Direct Care (EDC) is a private health clinic accessible to only the employees and families of the seven companies who bought into the closed network consortium. These employers share the operating costs of the EDC, and a local healthcare system is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility.

Companies are attracted to this innovative care model as a way to control healthcare spending growth, boost workforce productivity, and improve the hiring and retention of employees.

The EDC clinic is located in Piqua and within close proximity to the employers’ worksites for the convenience of their employees. Employees and families will have access to primary care, prescriptions, diagnostic testing and occupational health in a timely and cost-effective manner. The clinic will also offer wellness services to help employees achieve healthy lifestyle goals or address chronic conditions.The near-site clinic model drives value for employers through customized primary care solutions, leveraging technology and data to learn each company’s challenges and tailoring programs to optimize results.

The EDC network provides a differentiated benefit that results in healthier outcomes and financial savings for both the employee and employer. The seven thought-leading companies that make up the EDC are leading the way in offering a truly unique healthcare experience for their employees.

For the Miami Valley Sunday News

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