O’Donnell Law Firm Day proclaimed in Covington


COVINGTON — It was proclaimed to be O’Donnell Law Firm Day on Oct. 19, 2022, in the village of Covington.

Covington Mayor Ed McCord issued the proclamation declaring Oct. 19 is O’Donnell Law Firm Day in Covington during the Covington Village Council’s meeting Monday evening. The proclamation was declared in honor of the law firm celebrating its 125th year as a Covington business, spanning three generations since its founding in 1897.

In other business, Village Council heard a presentation from Christopher Mackey, a representative from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami Valley, which is in need of volunteers ages 21 and older to be mentors. There are currently 33 youths on the waiting list for a mentor through the program, one of which is a child from Covington. The program creates a sense of consistency and stability in the lives of the youths they serve by asking its volunteers to commit to one hour per week for at least one year. Those interested in volunteering can contact the organization at 937-220-6850.

McCord shared the holiday decorating contest will soon be accepting applications with a deadline of Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. There is no cost to apply to any of the five categories in this year’s contest. Judging will take place on Dec. 15, 16, and 17 from dusk until 9 p.m. Winners will be announced at the Dec. 19 council meeting.

In his administrator’s report, Village Administrator Kyle Hinkelman shared this week is the second opening of Schoolhouse Park bids. The previously discussed historical district language will soon go before the Village Planning Commission, with the hope of having a first reading before the council in November.

Village residents should be aware property maintenance letters will be issued soon. “… there will be some photos being taken of properties, letters going out, some additional effort on the property maintenance front this week and next week,” said Hinkelman. “Then we’ll also go out and see if there are [any] additional per the property maintenance code and nuisance abatement process.”

Council discussed potential administration building renovations. The current building was purchased by the council in 1975. Since then the council has spent $1.1 million on building including a $1 million renovation in 2006. Among the list of repairs and updates needed are window replacement, potential roof replacement or repairs, IT and HVAC updates, additional administrative space, additional space for the police department, and updates to the council chambers. The discussion will continue at future meetings.

The council approved an ordinance to vacate a portion of Grant Street and Maple Street and an unnamed public right of way. They waived the three reading rule and approved authorization for the village administrator to enter an agreement with Spectrum for phone and internet services, as well as a resolution authorizing the administrator to submit an application for IIJA funds through MVRPC. These funds will be applied towards the next High Street project which will address infrastructure and replacement of a portion of state Route 36. The project is currently three to seven years out.

Council heard the second reading of a resolution allowing the administrator to enter an agreement with Duke’s Root Control for sewer line root control. They also heard the second reading of an ordinance which would create outdoor event permits and regulations. These regulations would apply to any outdoor event open to the public, including events such as parades, block parties, festivals, or contests. A first reading was held for a resolution allowing the village to enter into an agreement for fire and EMS contract for 2023-24.

The next council meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.

Please note that due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the second meeting for November will be held on Monday, Nov. 14 at 5:30 p.m.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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