Piqua Board of Education approves purchase of new video board, new scoreboards


By Jordan Green

[email protected]

PIQUA — The Piqua City School District Board of Education held their monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 24. The board approved the purchase of a new video board for the Piqua High School Gymnasium.

The Daktronic video board will accompany recent renovations made to the locker rooms and athletic facilities.

“It takes the event to another level. It provides engagement for the fans, engagement for the teams, and allows for instant replays,” said Athletic Director Chip Hare. The board will also be a benefit to non-athletic and community events hosted in the gym. In addition, new scoreboards will also be purchased.

Piqua taxpayers are not on the hook for the bill. Donations made by Edison State Community College and Park National Bank will pay for the video board and scoreboards. Installation should be completed by August of 2022.

The purchase was approved unanimously.

Treasurer Jeremie Hittle’s agenda was considered by the board. The tax rate for the 2022 and 2023 years, approved Piqua voters in November 2021, was discussed. As was a donation of $2,000 made to the district and divided evenly amongst the schools. The treasurer’s agenda was approved.

The Superintendent’s Report included recent changes to graduation requirements and an announcement concerning kindergarten enrollment.

A standalone, half-credit course of Financial Literacy is now required of all Ohio schools. Piqua had previously incorporated financial literacy into other required courses. However, new legislation prevents this from continuing.

“We know that people need this — so many of our students are going straight into the workforce,” said High School Principal Rob Messick, while also noting the drawbacks.

The school will need to hire a full-time staff member to teach the course with no additional funding from the state. It will also limit students’ abilities to take elective courses provided in partnership with the Upper Valley Career Center and the continued existence of those elective courses is enrollment driven.

A possible, alternative plan to provide this credit is in the early stages of development, and no further comment on it was offered at this time.

Kindergarten enrollment will begin, online, on March 1. Registration is available to all parents who live within the district and have a child who will be five years of age on or before, Aug. 1. Four, in-person registration events will be held at Springcreek Elementary and Washington Primary School. Dates and times can be found on the Piqua Schools website.

The School Board approved a resolution to allow the defeasance of a 2011 Certificate of Participation (COPs). COPs are tax-exempt bonds, and a defeasance would involve the district paying off all or a portion of the remaining principal and interest on the bond. The resolution was approved by a vote of 5-0 and will save the district $213,884.07 in interest payments.

Contracts for renovations of the Junior High School and High School were also approved unanimously by the board. A sum of $295,000 will be paid to RDA Group Architects for their work on both schools. The lowest bid of $3,380,000 from Brumbaugh Construction, was accepted to perform the renovations at Piqua High School.

The next board meeting will be held March 17 at the Piqua School District Board of Education Central Office.

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