Pour records hole-in-one at Miami Shores; Robbins low gross in Echo Hills Association tournament


TROY — Melissa Pour recorded a hole-in-one on the second hole at Miami Shores Tuesday.

Pour used an eight iron on the 130-yard hole.

Witnessing the ace were Sandy Monnier and Bonnie Cash.

Robbins cards

69 at Echo Hills

Brian Robbins was low gross in the Echo Hills Golf Course Association tournament with a 69.

Justin Weber was second with a 72, while Dennis Bradley and Brandon Hostetter tied for third with 78.

Jeremy Davis was low net with 70.

Trey Hostetter and Mark Johnston tied for second with 71 and Matt Reedy and Creg Rietz tied for fourth with 72.

Pearson cards

34 at Echo Hills

PIQUA — Ron Pearson was low gross with 34 in the Wednesday Industrial League at Echo Hills.

Brian Robbins was second with 35, while Doug Harter, Mike Bosse and Don Larger were tied for third with 39.

Dan Penrod and Andy Cox tied for low net with 33.

Chris Carlson and Bryant Fox tied for second with 34.


Realtor Jane Branson 49.5

Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 44

Staley Plumbing 41.5

Murray Properties 35.5

Long Shots 31.5

Park National Bank 29.5

Joe Thoma Jewelers 27.5

Smitty’s Bike Shop 27

Echo team

cards 27

PIQUA — In the Thursday Industrial League scramble at Echo Hills, Team Jenning’s Construction (Ron Pearson, Ryan Pearson, Jeff Jennings, Derek Jennings) was low gross with 27.

Team Hank’s Place (Brian Robbins, Doug Harter, Hank Poff Dave Neal) was second with 30.

Team Gisco (Mick Karn, Jeff Dawson, Kevin Lowe) was low net with 22.67.

Taking second was Team A.R.M.S. Inc. (Dennis Bradley, Brock Hostetter, Trey Hostetter, Rob Dunn) with 25.75.

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