Process for donations of homemade facemasks, supplies set in region


DAYTONThe Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA), in partnership with Montgomery County Emergency Management and Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, has created a streamlined process for individuals to donate homemade face masks and related supplies to support the community’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Many generous individuals, nonprofits, private companies and others are reaching out to offer support. While our hospitals are making the most of our inventory of personal protective equipment (PPE), there is still a need for additional equipment and supplies due to increased national demand,” said Sarah Hackenbracht, president and CEO of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association.

At this time, only donations of homemade face masks and related supplies will be accepted from individuals.

Starting Friday, March 27, individuals who have already created homemade face masks can drop off their donations at St. Vincent de Paul, 945 S Edwin C Moses Drive, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. This centralized location will allow for appropriate storage, laundering and distribution throughout the region if needed. Donations should be delivered in plastic bags no larger than 13 gallons, ideally in bags that are closed/tied for storage.

For those who have supplies to create homemade face masks, but have not yet assembled them, supplies of elastic are needed. Montgomery County has a stockpile of never-used N-95 masks that need repair to bring them into compliance. Donations of thread, one-fourth-inch elastic, and gallon sized baggies are needed to repair these N-95 masks to bring them into compliance.

“At this critical time, we appreciate our community’s eagerness to donate supplies that will help ensure our hospitals can continue to protect our patients, providers, and staff,” Hackenbracht said. “This situation is unprecedented, and we are grateful for the extra help.”

More information is available online at

The Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA) is a member-service organization representing 29 hospitals and health systems in the Dayton region. GDAHA collaborates with its members to improve the delivery of healthcare services in Auglaize, Butler, Darke, Champaign, Clark, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Warren counties in West Central Ohio.

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