Purchase of new ambulance approved


TIPP CITY — Tipp City Council passed a resolution Monday evening authorizing the purchase of a new ambulance in a 6-1 vote.

The type one ambulance will be purchased from Horton Emergency Vehicles in Columbus and is a 2021 Ford F450 chassis at a cost of up to $265,125. The resolution also declares a 2014 Road Rescue E-450 ambulance as surplus property of the city and the disposal of the vehicle will be determined by city manager Tim Eggleston.

Tipp City purchases emergency vehicles for operation every eight years; according to Tipp City Fire and Emergency Services (TCFES) Chief Cameron Haller, the resolution was presented to council a year early due to the fact that two vehicles were approved for purchase in 2014, and the department wanted to offset the cost of purchasing two vehicles again in the same year in regard to the city’s capital improvement budget.

“As far as cost, we went out and we tried to find very close to the model that we purchased prior to my arrival. As a refresher, there was an ambulance committee. The troops got together and figured out what were the best needs for the city of Tipp City and Monroe Township. They figured that out, and quite honestly, it is the best ambulance I have ever operated out of,” Haller said. “Quite honestly, it rides better than my private vehicle.”

Haller also mentioned that while maintenance was considered on the current units the department has, the air conditioning system in both vehicles was poor engineering design and only has front unit air conditioning. According to Haller, state law specifies that there has to be an air condition supply to the back of the ambulance. The purchase of a new vehicle will help solve this issue without having to completely rework the air conditioning system in the current units.

Council member Kathryn Huffman, who voted against the resolution, said that she would prefer the resolution be held back a year due to the fact that council is already in the process of making a lot of decisions on TCFES.

“If we’re actually doing this before it’s scheduled, I’d prefer us to look at the back end of that scheduling (…) and replace the second vehicle in the ninth year as opposed to moving this up a year. I think it makes more sense financially for us at this point where we stand,” Huffman said.

Also approved at Monday’s meeting was an ordinance amending and modifying codified ordinances in order to eliminate outdated language and policies, primarily in regard to the disposal of weapons through the city’s police department. According to Eggleston, changes to the ordinances included allowing the department the option to donate weapons to accredited museums as well as only selling to federal firearms dealers, in order to break the chain and any liability that would fall on the department.

The ordinance was approved with six votes; Mayor Joseph Gibson abstained, citing under comments of council that he represents federal firearms dealers in his practice and didn’t want to vote on legislation that could potentially favor any clients.

“Overall, I think the legislation was appropriate,” Gibson said.

The following were also approved at Monday’s meeting:

• An ordinance approving certain public improvements by the developer of Manchester Meadows Subdivision in a 6-0-1 vote with council member Mike McFarland abstaining. McFarland cited that he chose to abstain due to his residence in Manchester Chase.

• An ordinance reducing the specialized requirements of the Legacy-zoning district, while maintaining the general development requirements found in all other zoning districts was unanimously approved.

• A resolution establishing and describing the boundaries of three community reinvestment areas in the city, designing a housing officer to administer the program, and creating a Community Reinvestment Housing Council and Tax Incentive Review Council was unanimously approved.

Tipp City Council will hold their next meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 15.

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