Relay for Life reaches goal


By Sam Wildow

[email protected]

MIAMI COUNTY — The Miami County Relay For Life, in its continued efforts to support cancer patients and their loved ones, reached its yearly fundraising goal of $50,000 following Saturday’s event at the Troy Eagles Campground.

“The event went very well,” event co-lead Nicole Bolin said. “We had more people than last year.”

Miami County Relay For Life had less restrictions on Saturday following the challenges it faced last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event, which saw 18 teams, was held at the Troy Eagles Campground, 2252 Troy-Urbana Rd., where they moved many of the events inside due to a chance of rain.

“We still had a good turn out,” Bolin said, adding that they saw a couple hundred attendees. “We had plenty of room inside.”

Saturday’s event helped Miami County Relay for Life reach its fundraising goal of $50,000 for the year, Bolin said. Miami County Relay for Life will still continue to raise funds through the end of August. The event also held a free dinner for survivors, offering them a gift bag and t-shirt, as well as included its annual Luminaria Ceremony, during which a light represents a life touched by cancer.

A 2021 wrap-up event will be held at 5:30 p.m. July 13 at the Miami Valley Centre Mall, Bolin said.

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