Restaurant inspections


Information provided by the Piqua Health Department:

Jan. 21

Bob Evans, 999 E. Ash St., Piqua — Front refrigerator above 41 degrees. Butter, 51 degrees. Keep all TCS foods below 41 degrees to prevent bacterial growth. Item discarded. Can of oven cleaner above prep unit. Keep chemicals away from food prep areas. Corrected. Provide thermometers for front prep unit, upright refrigerator and grill prep unit. Provide max registering thermometer so dishwasher temp can be monitored. Vegetable cutter damaged. Replace. The following contact surfaces need to be cleaned: hot chocolate machine, microwave interior and food containers. Provide paper towels for hand sink so hands can be easily washed. Be sure food employees wash hands often. Keep chemicals separate where they cannot come into contact with food or equipment. Be sure food contact surfaces are thoroughly washed, rinsed and sanitized.

Feb. 14

AFC Sushi at Kroger, 1510 Covington Ave., Piqua — Cream cheese stored on absorbent paper towel. Do not store food on an absorbent surface. Be sure to use three-compartment sink to wash, rinse and sanitize equipment every four hours of use.

Feb. 17

Heritage Catering, 1714 Commerce Drive, Piqua — Satisfactory at time of inspection. Be sure to thoroughly wash equipment.

Knights of Columbus, 204 W. Ash St., Piqua — Satisfactory at time of inspection.

Feb. 18

Sunset Meat Market, 1125 Covington Ave. Piqua — Provide ingredients for packages of Canadian bacon. The wall by the prep area is damaged. Repair.

Feb. 19

Upper Valley Career Center, 8811 Career Drive, Piqua — Satisfactory at time of inspection. Wash hands often.

Feb. 23

China East, 1239 E. Ash St., Piqua — Raw shrimp stored above egg rolls. Always store raw food below cooked food.The walk-in cooler needs cleaning. Signs of mice in kitchen. Increase the level of cleaning and continue professional treatments. The ceiling is actively leaking. Keep all equipment and food away from leaks and thoroughly sanitize. Remember to never thaw food at room temperature.

Piqua Central Intermediate, 807 Nicklin Ave., Piqua — Satisfactory at time of inspection. Be sure to wash hands often.

Feb. 24

Piqua Junior High School, 1 Tomahawk Trail, Piqua — Satisfactory at time of inspection. Be sure to wash hands often.

Information provided by the Miami County Public Health Department.

Feb. 1

• Pearson House Restaurant, 28 N. Miami St., West Milton — Repeat:

Improper storage of food items. Observed loaves of bread and pies stored in upright freezers, directly touching ice accumulation on shelves without coverings in the back of facility storage area by the office.

In-use utensils improperly stored. In the two-door refrigerator, observed portion cups without handles being stored within food products such as diced tomatoes and onions.

Re-use of single-service or single-use articles. Observed the reuse of mayonnaise containers for other food items.

Equipment not approved by a recognized testing agency. Observed residential freezers in the back of house storage area near the office.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Observed the following non-food contact surfaces to be unclean: 1. The reach-in freezers in the back storage area (ice accumulation) 2. The clean dish rack beneath the FRP lined shelves (dust and grease) 3. The grease rack (grease) 4. Several storage containers for condiments, portion cups, etc. (food debris) 5. The plate racks next to prep cooler across from grill line (food debris) 6. The microwave ovens (food splatter and other residues) 7. Reach-in coolers and freezer units (food debris).

Facility not maintained clean. Observed the following areas of the food service needing to be thoroughly cleaned: 1. Behind and under the grill line 2. Behind equipment like reach-in cooler and freezer units 3. Behind the soda beverage machine area 4. The walk-in cooler and freezer floors 5. Under the racking/shelving system used for clean dish/utensil storage 6. Under the hand and prep sink plumbing fixtures, around drain trap and flooring.

Floor and wall junctures not properly coved or closed and/or floor drains not provided. The cove base to the left of the soda machine was observed completely loose from the floor and wall juncture points.

Floors, walls, and/or ceilings not smooth and easily cleanable. The flooring in the back/side storage area leading to the office area was observed to have gaps present between the matted flooring and held together with staples. Also the ceiling was observed to be severly chipping. Floors and ceilings are not smooth and easily cleanable.

Feb. 3

• Steak N Shake, 1779 W. Main St., Troy — Repeat:

Clean equipment and utensils not stored in a self-draining position and covered or inverted. Observed clean utensils on clean stainless dish rack above prep area in back of house with their food contact surfaces facing upward.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Observed the following non-food contact surfaces to be unclean at the time of inspection: 1. Inside the ice cream topping station 2. The interior surfaces of the stand-up reach in freezer unit 3. The interior surfaces of the grill line reach-in coolers 4. Under the rolling bread carts in the front of house 5. The stainless shelving surfaces in the food preparation area in the back of house.

Facility not maintained clean. Observed the following areas in the foodservice operation in need of cleaning: 1. The walk-in cooler and freezer floors under and behind racking systems 2. Behind and under the ice cream freezer 3. Under and behind the grill line and fryers 4. Behind/under bag n the box rack for soda beverage machine 5. Floors under racks in the dry stock/storage room 6. Behind and around the steam kettle.

Ventilation system not maintained. Observed hood ventilation system to have a build-up of grease deposits.

• T-B’s Place and Patio, 118 E. Main St., Bradford — Repeat:

Facility does not have an employee with manager certification in food protection. Obtain Manager’s Certification in Food Protection. Keep certification on file once received for all future inspections.

Improper use or placement of insect control devices. Observed residential mouse traps (snap traps and unenclosed glue traps) in the side storage room area. PIC stated he would contact pest control to remove the residential traps. Within a food service operation, ensure rodent bait stations are kept only in covered, tamper-resistant enclosures.

Nonfood-contact surfaces constructed of unapproved materials. Underneath the reach-in glass freezer unit directly outside the walk-in beer cooler, observed a deteriorating wooden board. Non-food contact surface is neither smooth or easily cleanable.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Observed large accumulation of ice in freezer directly outside of the beer walk-in cooler. De-ice and clean frequently enough to prevent these sort of excessive accumulations of ice.

Facility not maintained clean. Behind the pizza oven, observed a build-up of grease and other residues on the floor. Clean this area more frequently to prevent these sort of build-ups.

Floor and wall junctures not properly coved or closed and/or floor drains not provided. Behind the stainless plate make up table, the mop service basin and the facility’s pizza oven, observed missing or damaged cove base finish.

Feb. 4

• Hot Head Burrito, 1287 S. Dorset Road, Troy — Corrected during inspection:

Employee eating, drinking, or using tobacco in non-designated area. At the time of inspection, personal food items, drinks, and vapes were observed on the prep tables. Upon making the PIC aware, the items were moved.

Utensils and equipment contacting non-TCS foods not cleaned at required frequency. Observed a thick syrup and mold-like growth on most of the soda nozzles. Upon making the PIC aware, the nozzles were taken apart and were washed, rinsed, and sanitized.


TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature. Rice was holding at 125 degrees at the time of inspection. Upon making the PIC aware, the rice was reheated to 165 degrees.


Clean food utensils were observed being stored in bins with food debris.

Nonfood-contact surfaces not easily cleanable. Multiple shelving units throughout the facility were observed with rust.

Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Cutting boards were scratched and scored. Resurface or replace.

• Dunaway’s Beef & Ale, 508 W. Main St., Troy — The bar and misc. soda fountain nozzles were observed with syrup build-up.

Due to the walk-in freezer being in disrepair, multiple food items in the walk-in freezer were observed thawed. At the time of inspection, the walk-in freezer was holding at 28 F. Due to food items being thawed, ready-to-eat food items either have 7 days or need to be discarded.

On the reach-in prep cooler in the kitchen, stored plates were observed not covered or inverted. When storing, cover or invert the plates. Also, cooking and serving utensils in the storage container were observed with the food contact surface up. Store utensils in the storage container with the handles up.

The walk-in freezer was observed in disrepair (food thawed). Also, the bottom section of the kitchen prep cooler was observed with pooling water. Repair or replace both pieces of equipment.

The kitchen hand sink was observed with water leaking from below the drain. Repair or replace.

The bar three compartment sink plumbing was observed with a clear tube extending from the PVC into the floor drain. Replace the plumbing to ensure it meets Ohio Building/Plumbing Code.


At the time of inspection, the facility was without an individual certified in Managerial Food Safety. Have an individual obtain the Level 2 or Manager Food Safety Certification.

In the kitchen, cooking and serving utensils were observed being stored in a container with food debris build-up. Upon making the PIC aware of this, the PIC began the process of recleaning and resanitizing the utensil storage container.

In the basement, covered single-use items were observed not six inches off the floor. Place items at least six inches off the floor.

Multiple cutting boards in the kitchen and bar were observed with scratching and scoring making them unable to be adequately cleaned. Replace or resurface.

The following non-food contact surfaces were observed with dirt and dust debris build-up: 1. The wire shelving units throughout the kitchen 2. The bottom shelf located on the prep table holding the deli slicer 3. The bottom shelf located on the cooler in disrepair adjacent to the deli slicer 4. The bar and misc. soda fountain gun holder (also observed with mold) 5. the rear hood vents 6. The sides of cooking equipment.

The floors and walls under and behind pieces of equipment were observed with food and dust/dirt debris build-up. Also, the ceiling was observed with grease build up. Physical facilities are frequently cleaned.

At the time of inspection, the establishment was without an individual who is Level One or PIC Food Safety Certified.


On the steam table, an open can of cheese sauce was observed holding at 105 F. Once opened, either maintain at or below 41 F or at or above 135 F.

Critical; repeat:

The following food contact surfaces were observed with food or dirt/dust debris build-up: 1. The cooking and serving utensils in the storage container 2. The tongs located on the front of the oven on the cooking line 3. The meat tray located on the steam well 4. On the prep cooler, the top plates 5. The deli slicer 6. The interior surface of the misc. use ice machine (white substance) – At the time of inspection, the bartender began the process of recleaning and redisinfecting these items. Ensure all the above items are cleaned and sanitized.

Corrected during inspection:

The bar hand sink was observed without disposable hand towels. Upon making the PIC aware of this, hand towels were placed at the hand sink.

Corrected during inspection; critical; repeat:

In the walk-in cooler, “homemade” ranch dressing and Dip were observed with a date marking of 1/21 and 1/20, respectively. Upon making the PIC aware of this, the ranch dressing and dip were discarded.

In the walk-in cooler, a container of “homemade” Thousand Island Dressing was observed without a date marking. Ensure any “homemade” dressings are date marked for 7 days. Upon making the PIC aware of this, the container of Thousand Island Dressing was discarded.

Feb. 5

• Moeller Brew Barn, 214 W. Main St., Troy — Repeat:

Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Observed the cutting surface on the appetizer prep cooler serverely scratched, scored and becoming discoloring.

Feb. 8

• Waffle House, 1290 Archer Drive, Troy — At the time of inspection, clean food container lids were observed being stored in bins with food debris.

Observed utensils in undercounter reach-in drawer stored scattered and disorganized. Ensure utensils are stored all facing the same direction to prevent potential contamination of food contact surfaces.

Corrected during inspection; critical; repeat:

Food employee(s) did not wash hands when required. Observed employees going from handling dirty dishes to handling clean dishes without first washing their hands.

Corrected during inspection; critical:

Handwashing sink is being used for purposes other than handwashing. Observed the kitchen hand sink being used to fill and dump buckets.

Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. In the two-door stand up reach-in cooler, observed raw shell eggs stored on the top shelf above ready-to-eat jalapenos and mushrooms. Upon informing the PIC, the jalapenos and mushrooms were placed on the top shelf and the eggs were moved to the bottom.

Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled. At the time of inspection, an unlabeled spray bottle of sanitizer was observed in the front area.


Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. Observed the following non-food contact surfaces to have a build up of food debris or residues: 1. The exterior surfaces of reach-in coolers and their handles 2. The interior surfaces of most reach-in coolers 3. The undercounter reach-in drawers and their gaskets 4. The wire rack shelving unit in the walk-in cooler.

Facility not maintained clean. Observed the floors in the kitchen to be holding food debris and pooling water. Also observed the area under the dish tank as well as the walk-in cooler floors needing to be cleaned.

Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. The grout in the main kitchen area in front of the grill/prep line as well as underneath the grill line observed to be severly broken down and holding excessive food debris and water.

Feb. 9

• Harrison’s, 106 E. Main St., Tipp City — Critical; repeat:

PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge of preventing foodborne illness by controlling potential contamination, personal hygiene and handwashing, and overall facility cleaning and maintenance.


Employee eating, drinking, or using tobacco in non-designated area. Observed employee beverages being stored in various locations throughout the kitchen on food prep surfaces and near areas where food was being prepared.

Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Observed cutting blocks that were severely scratched, scored and becoming discolored.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Observed the non-food contact surfaces throughout the FSO to have food debris, dust, dirt and other residual-like substance build-ups.

Facility not maintained clean. Observed the entire facility in need of a deep and thorough cleaning, especially those areas that are considered hard to reach such. Clean the entire facility.

Feb. 11

• Village Pizza & Drive Thru, 302 S. Miami Ave., Bradford — Food not protected from contamination. Food prep sink and hand sink installed directly next to each other without an adequate splash guard. Install larger plexi or stainless splash guard to prevent and protect food against contamination.

Floors, walls, and/or ceilings not constructed of approved material. Observed food storage racks with single-use items sitting on carpet in the seating area. Replace carpeting with smooth and easily cleanable surface finish.


Unnecessary or nonfunctional items and/or litter on premises. Remove all unnecessary and unused items from the RFE.

Floors, walls, and/or ceilings not smooth and easily cleanable. Back of house flooring observed cracking and in disrepair. Flooring is no longer cleanable. Repair.

Outer opening not protected. Retail area side door observed allowing sunlight to enter through bottom of door and threshold. Eliminate gap.

Feb. 12

• Troy Country Club, 1830 Peters Road, Troy — Equipment not approved by a recognized testing agency. Observed a residential ice cream freezer next to the salad prep station. Remove or replace with commercial grade piece of equipment.

Corrected during inspection; critical; repeat:

On the cooking/holding line, multiple bowls were observed with food debris build-up. Above the prep table between the walk-in cooler and reach-in cooler, cooking and serving utensils were observed with food debris build-up. Upon making the PIC aware of these items, they were removed and taken to be recleaned and resanitized.


At the time of inspection, the facility was observed without an individual with a Managerial Food Safety Certification. Within 30 days, obtain the Managerial Food Safety Certification.

Unapproved pesticide being used. Observed several canisters of residential insectide spray underneath the ice bin in the server’s station area. Remove these unapproved pesticides from the food service operation.

In the walk-in cooler, a medium sized container of white rice prepared on 2/2 was observed covered. When cooling, ensure container is uncovered. In the walk-in cooler, a large container was observed with chili, prepared on 2/2, 3/4 filled and covered. When cooling, ensure food is placed in shallow containers, uncovered or by other approved means.

Equipment and utensils are not being air dried. Observed food containers stacked and put away in the dry storage closet that were still wet (wet-nesting). Ensure food contact surfaces are completely air-dried prior to being put away and stored.

In the downstairs basement area, observed food containers being stored under exposed plumbing lines.

The walk-in cooler door was observed not made to manufacturer specifications. Replace.

Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. In the dry storage room, observed several moveable, handheld cutting blocks that were either severely scratched, scored and discolored. Resurface or replace so food contact surfaces can be effectively cleaned and sanitized.

In the kitchen the following non-food contact surfaces were observed with food debris build-up: 1. Wire racks 2. Compartments below steam table on the line 3. Adjacent to the pizza cooler in the back kitchen area, the pizza pan cart (ensure the pizza pans not being used on the cart are frequently cleaned and disinfected also) 4. The unused drawers adjacent to the reach-in freezer on the steam line.

Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. Observed several holes in the walls above the mop service basin. Repair.

Facility not maintained clean. Observed the following areas of the food service operation to be unclean: 1. Under the storage shelves in the dry storage room 2. The walls and ceilings in the dish pit area 3. Underneath the fryers 4. Along the walls in the mop room 5. Standing water under ice bin in bar area 6. The wall behind the coffee and tea dispensers in server’s station.

• Burger King, 1829 W. Main St., Troy — Repeat:

Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are unclean. At the time of inspection the following were observed with food debris, and/or grease build up: 1. wire rack shelving throughout the facility 2. The outside of the hot holding units 3. the sides of the fryers 4. the inside of reach in coolers and freezers throughout the facility.

Facility not maintained clean. Floors throughout the facility were observed with oil and grease build up as well as food debris.

Feb. 17

• Chins Ginger Grill, 965 W. Main St., Tipp City — Facility does not have an employee with manager certification in food protection. No Manager’s Certified individual with Food Protection certification.

Utensils and equipment contacting non-TCS foods not cleaned at required frequency. Observed a thick syrup build up inside both soda gun nozzles at the bar.

No sanitizer test kit available. At the time of inspection, the PIC did not have sanitizer test strips available.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Observed food debris build-up inside containers holding clean food utensils.

Ventilation system not maintained. Observed the hood vents with a thick char like build-up. PIC stated that the vents were cleaned 7 months ago, and would not be cleaned before the facility close date.


Presence of live insects, rodents, and other pests. Severe odor present coming from the dish machine area. Remove odor to prevent pest attractant within the food service operation.

PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge of preventing foodborne illness by controlling contamination, personal hygiene, and/or facility cleanliness and maintenance. The facility was observed significantly unclean throughout at the time of inspection.

PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge of temperatures and times for safe refrigerated food storage, hot holding, cooling and reheating. Upon questioning, the PIC stated items cooled and then reheated are reheated to a temperature of 160F. All reheats should be to 165F for at least 15 seconds.

Corrected during inspection; critical; repeat:

Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. In the walk-in cooler, observed raw beef stored above salmon filets. Upon informing the PIC, the storage order issue was corrected.

Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. Observed several items throughout the food service without proper date labels. Upon informing the PIC, the date labeling process was started for these undated items.

TCS foods not properly thawed. Observed raw chicking thawing on prep sink drainboard at room temperature. Upon informing the PIC, the chicken was placed under cold running water to finish thawing.

Corrected during inspection; critical:

TCS foods not being hot held at the proper temperature. Observed cooked brats and cooked mashed potatoes sitting out at room temperature. The brats were observed at 60F and the mashed potatoes were observed holding 120F. TCS foods should either be hot/cold held or time as public health control should be used for up to 4 hours.


Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Observed the cutting surface to the prep cooler severely scratched and scored. Also observed moveable cutting blocks on stainless storage shelf that were scratched, scored and significantly discolored. Replace.

Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. Non-food contact surfaces throughout the food service observed unclean.

Facility not maintained clean. The floors, walls and ceilings throughout were observed severely unclean. Enhance cleaning frequency of the physical facilities to prevent these sort of excessive accumulations, to prevent a presence of an odor and to prevent the potential for pests to thrive.

Corrected during inspection:

Employee items such as a jacket, keys, and drink were observed on a prep table. Upon making the PIC aware, the items were moved.

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