Riverside brings Sibshops to Miami County


TROY — The Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities, also known as Riverside, is partnering with Ohio Sibs and The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to bring the “Sibshops” program to Miami County.

Sibshops provides brothers and sisters of siblings with developmental disabilities with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. Sibshops events are designed for siblings 7-12 years old are facilitated by Riverside employees.

At these workshops, siblings of children with support needs will be able to meet other siblings, discuss common joys and concerns, learn how others manage situations commonly experienced by siblings of children with support needs and learn more about the implications of the sibling’s support needs. Sibshops events also provide parents and other professionals with opportunities to learn more about the concerns and opportunities frequently experienced by brothers and sisters of people with support needs.

“As a parent of a child with developmental disabilities, I understand the invaluable support these workshops can provide,” said Riverside Superintendent Brian Green. “I hope that Sibshops will facilitate meaningful connections and bonds among children and families navigating life with developmental disabilities. I look forward to seeing how these events impact families in our community.”

The first Sibshops event will be held July 14 from 6-8 p.m. at Duke Park, shelter #1. Additional dates for Sibshops events are Aug. 11, Oct. 13 and Nov. 17 at locations to be determined. For more information, visit www.riversidedd.org/sibs or contact Karen Armentrout or Sean McClain at [email protected] or 937-440-3000.

The Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities, known locally as Riverside, serves more than 1,000 people of all ages in Miami County. Riverside’s mission is to empower people with developmental disabilities to live, work and play as full members of our community. The organization’s vision is to build a community that supports and values people of all abilities. Riverside coordinates and provides funding for services people need to live full lives. These services include in-home care, adult day services, job training and transportation. These services are funded in part through local levy dollars and are delivered through a network of local provider agencies and independent caregivers. Riverside also directly provides case management, Early Intervention Services for children ages 0-3 with developmental delays through in-home services to help families stimulate development in communication skills, motor development, early learning skills and social-emotional development. Riverside also provides training for direct support staff to ensure the highest quality of care, as well as learning opportunities, recreational activities, Special Olympics programs and other valuable services.

There are many opportunities to get involved. For more information about Riverside, visit riversidedd.org or call 937-440-3000.

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