Second COVID-19 suspected victim identified


MIAMI COUNTY — Miami County Coroner Dr. William Ginn has identified 83-year-old Glenn Witters, a resident of Koester Pavilion, as the second COVID-19 related death in Miami County.

The test on Mr. Witters has not yet been received to confirm his death was COVID-19 related, according to Ginn.

On Friday, Ginn reported that 93-year-old Earl Bolinger, also a resident of Koester Pavilion, died and was believed to be the first coronavirus related death, although the test on Mr. Bolinger has not been received yet, he said. Bolinger tested positive on March 17.

Bolinger’s son, who is 70 years old, was also a resident of Koester Pavilion and was one of the two first confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. That male was also treated at the Dayton VA Medical Center and is currently in critical condition at Miami Valley Hospital, according to reports.
83-year-old man a Koester resident

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