Siegel’s named Business of the Month


By Aimee Hancock

Miami Valley Today

COVINGTON — The Covington Council recognized Siegel’s Country Store as its first Business of the Month for the month of March.

According to Administrator Kyle Hinkelman, each business honored will receive a plaque and will be featured on the village’s website.

Anyone interested in nominating a business may contact Hinkelman, at [email protected].

J.R. Clarke Public Library Director Cherie Roeth gave an update to council Monday regarding the library’s upcoming move.

The library, which will be undergoing intensive renovations, will temporarily relocate to 101 and 103 N. High St., Roeth said. The move will begin on Monday, March 8.

If all goes smoothly, Roeth said, the library’s interim location will open on Monday, March 15, with the anticipation to be operating in the new spot for approximately six months.

Due to the renovations, Roeth said the summer reading program will be moved to the fall this year.

Also during Monday’s meeting, Hinkelman said the village has entered into agreements with 3D Maintenance Service to work on the sewer plant’s clarifier and RAS pump.

“Those projects will help fix a couple of the smaller issues at the plant,” Hinkelman said. “We are currently still working with Poggemeyer (Design Group) to go through the entire review, so we will know a lot more when that review is finished, but these two projects were already in the queue and are necessary in the short term to keep us moving forward.”

In other business, council:

• Held second readings on an ordinance making the fiscal officer an exempt position and amending the salary ordinance; and an ordinance authorizing the modification to the village of Covington personnel policy and procedure manual.

• Held a first reading and emergency vote on an ordinance authorizing the payment of Access Engineering and amending appropriations — this motion is to correct an accounting issue regarding a payment that was made last year, which must be correctly reflected in the accounting system. Motion passed.

• Held a first reading and emergency vote on a resolution authorizing the village administrator to enter into an agreement for natural gas aggregation. In 2016, authority was granted to the village to have a natural gas aggregation program. This emergency resolution is meant to clarify that the original language that was written had specified a former administrator’s name and therefore must be updated. This program aims to assist residents in obtaining a good rate for natural gas as compared to the individual market. Motion passed.

• Heard from Chief of Police Lee Harmon regarding an influx in reports of unemployment fraud. Harmon said the Secret Service is advising individuals who receive fraudulent unemployment information or requests to avoid sharing any personal information. If financial information is inadvertently shared, contact your bank.

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