Springcreek Township OKs 2 levies for November ballot


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

PIQUA — The Springcreek Township Trustees adopted two resolutions for levies to go on the November 2024 ballot this week.

During the board’s regular Monday, July 22, meeting, trustees approved placing a 4 mill levy for fire and EMS services on the November 2024 ballot.

This resolution declares the intention to levy a tax excess of the 10 mill limitation and requests the Miami County Auditor for certification under the ORC.

The purpose of the levy is, according to the resolution language, to provide fire, ambulance, and emergency medical services to the entire territory contained within Springcreek Township, Miami County. The intention of the Springcreek Township Board of Township Trustees, the taxing authority of Springcreek Township, Miami County, is to levy a tax in excess of said limitation, and said levy to be put on the ballot for electors of Springcreek Township to vote in the general election that is held on Nov. 5.

A second resolution was adopted during a special meeting on Wednesday, July 24, for a renewable 2.5 mill general fund levy for continuing township operations. This is a renewable levy that will not raise residents’ taxes.

Aug. 7 is the last date for the Miami County Auditor’s Office to certify the levy for the November ballot.

In other business during the regular July 22 meeting:

• Springcreek Township Fiscal Officer Lori Wirt requested approval to move forward with billing for mowing work conducted by the township at the Piqua land development vacant lot in Farmington Hills. The property owner did not complete the mowing, so the township conducted the work. The amount of the cost of the mowing is $472.50, which is $450, plus a 5% fee charged by the auditor’s office to assess the bill.

• A quote was accepted for Ticon Paving to finish up the concrete Ridgeview Court curb work, in the amount of $4,762.80.

• Township trustees scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday, July 24, to vote renewable 2.5 mill levy.

• The Springcreek Township Board of Township Trustees’ August meeting date was changed, due to scheduling conflicts, to Aug. 19 at 7 p.m.

• A resolution was adopted for supplement appropriations in the amount of $600, to cover the amount to be paid to Pioneer Electric.

• A resolution was adopted for subdivisions lighting tax assessments for the next two years through June 26, 2026, in the amount of $30/property per year for the village of Springcreek and Farmington Meadows. The amount to be paid to Pioneer Electric is estimated at $33,294.97.

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