Springcreek Township Trustees discusses possible levies


By Kathleen Leese

For Miami Valley Today

PIQUA — Springcreek Township Trustees responded to concerns during their meeting on Tuesday, May 28, about a new emergency services levy and the possible time frame for placing the levy on an upcoming ballot.

Springcreek resident Sam Robinson asked about plans to place a new emergency services levy for fire and rescue services on a ballot.

Tom Hill, president of the trustees, responded, “Right now, (it’s) probably going to be November 2025.”

Hill said it would cost $9,000 to put (the levy) on (the ballot) in May 2025, according to information the trustees received from the Miami County Board of Elections. The amount of millage for the emergency services levy is not set yet.

An unidentified Springcreek Township resident questioned why the levy couldn’t be put on the ballot in November 2024.

Hill said he is “afraid they (Springcreek township residents) won’t pass either one (of the 2.5 mill renewal levy or the new emergency services levy) if it is put on in November 2024.”

Robinson told Hill he is concerned the longer the trustees wait to place the new levy on the ballot, they will “lose support. I get questions about what’s going on.”

Hill said, “I feel we’re alright if we wait till 2025” to place the new levy on the ballot, with Robinson again expressing concern that the longer the trustees wait to place the levy on the ballot, the more chance there will be that they will lose support.

Robinson told the trustees they need both the 2.5 mill levy and the new emergency services levy and said, “I think people would still go back down and say, ‘vote for both of these (levies).’”

After more discussion, Hill agreed to talk to Prosecutor Tony Kendall or Chris Englert, Assistant Prosecutor, legal counsel for the township, about the possibility of placing the new emergency services levy on the ballot in November of 2024.

Hill gave an update on the Ridgeview Court curb work, noting he only has one quote so far for the work. He made three calls to get quotes and has had no calls returned. The trustees are going to wait one more month before taking action.

The trustees were updated on the township website, with Fiscal Officer Lori Wirt telling them she is still waiting for approval for the domain address by the federal government and hopes to have that soon.

The annexation agreements with the city of Piqua involving the Baker property and Teeters Real Estate Investments are still on hold. Wirt said it is “not going to happen soon.”

The trustees also discussed the 2.5 mill renewal levy and had the first reading of a resolution to place that levy on the ballot in 2024. They will be asking the Miami County auditor for certification in order to place the levy on the ballot in November 2024. The levy must be certified for the ballot before Aug. 7. A second reading of the levy will take place at the next meeting.

The trustees received a copy of the 2025 budget draft and will review it during a public hearing at the next meeting.

The trustees approved paying the Ohio Plan (Liability Insurance Resolution). It costs $2,647 for the liability portion and does not include bond.

The trustees were updated on a meeting of the Township Association to be held on June 13 at 7 p.m. at the Washington Township building. The meeting will include a discussion of the EMS issues facing townships currently. They will also hear from State Senator Steve Huffman, who will address the group about legislation at the state level. The meeting is open to the public.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Sam Robinson asked the trustees about the executive session held during last month’s meeting regarding possible legal action. Robinson asked if the matter was still pending or resolved. Hill responded that the matter is still open, but he could not answer other questions about it.

Hill addressed a question about the occupancy of the township building and said he has not been able to talk with Bob Bloom, who is working with the trustees on establishing how many people can be in the building at one time. The occupancy became an issue during the contract negotiations with Spirit Medical Transport and with the city of Piqua Fire and EMS when a large number of people were attending the meetings.

The trustees expressed appreciation for Dave Grube, who has been contracted to do mowing and tree trimming for the township. It was noted he is doing a good job.

Trustee Mike Havener was not present for the meeting.

The trustees approved the fiscal officer’s report during the meeting including monthly financials, purchase orders/payments and the April bank reconciliation.

The next meeting of the trustees will be on June 24 at 7 p.m., during which there will be a public hearing about the 2025 proposed budget.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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