St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Versailles to have Open House


For the Miami Valley Today

VERSAILLES — The historical St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Versailles is set to hold their Homecoming and Open House on Sept. 19 at 2:30 p.m. The church was built in 1850 and held services until 1905. Since then, every third Sunday in September there has been a Homecoming Service.

In 1980, St. Peter’s Church was listed on the National Register of Historic Places due to its well-preserved historic architecture and because of its place in the settlement of the region. It is believed to be Darke County’s last remaining log church.

Very little has changed inside since the doors closed in 1905. The pump organ still works and is used during the service to sing all the old hymns. During the service, the collection plate is passed. The monies that are collected are used to help maintain the church and property throughout the year. This year, Pastor Ippi from Trinity Lutheran Church will deliver a short message.

After the service, cookies and punch are serviced as everyone wonders the well-maintained lawn and cemetery.

If you have never been to a service, please accept this as your invitation to step back into time. No matter your faith, this is a a unique church that needs to be shared.

The church is located at 9239 St. Peters Rd. in Versailles.

Follow the church on it’s Facebook page, St. Peters Lutheran Church Verailles Ohio.

If you would like to make a donation to the church, send to: Dick Shumaker, C/O St Peters Church, 5958 Ch. Hm. Bradf. Rd, Greenville Ohio 45331. Shumaker is a trustee of the church and also a descendent of St. Peter’s Church.

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