Supply chain issues impacting Miami County Engineer’s Department


By Sam Wildow

[email protected]

TROY — Miami County Engineer Paul Huelskamp discussed challenges the Miami County Engineer’s Department is having in planning for 2022 with current supply shortages during Tuesday’s Miami County Commissioners meeting.

On Tuesday, the Miami County Commissioners approved Huelskamp’s equipment purchase cost estimate for his department for 2022. Those purchases include one Gradall at $500,000; one CAT Roller at $50,000; two one-ton pickups at $40,000 each; and special wearing apparel at $5,000. The total cost estimated for equipment purchases for 2022 was $635,000.

Huelskamp said the equipment purchase list is usually what equipment the department expects will need to be replaced in the next year, but there are pickup trucks on next year’s list that the department was not able to get ordered this year due to the current supply chain issues.

“I have no confidence that we’ll be able to get any of this stuff next year. This is my best guess as far as what we can get,” Huelskamp said. In addition to not being able to purchase pickup trucks for the department, Huelskamp also expressed concerns regarding a potential diesel shortage that would limit the department’s ability to fuel the trucks they do have.

“As of right now, I don’t have enough drivers, we’re not sure about diesel, and we’re not sure about trucks,” Huelskamp said. He said the county has a barn full of salt for when there is a winter storm, but he raised concerns about having enough people and equipment to salt the roads.

Huelskamp said the situation “is far from dire” before estimating it would be 2023 before the department can purchase any new trucks.

Also on Tuesday, the commissioners authorized the negotiation of a contract with WDC Group of Springfield for professional design and engineering services for the Miami County Fairground Grandstand and Utility Infrastructure Project.

The commissioners also later awarded the cash renting of the county’s two farms as follows:

• County Home Farm, Sam Durst of Sidney, for $245 per acre per year ($15,403.15 annually) for a period of two years with the option of two, one-year renewals upon consent of both parties.

• Neal Farm, Sam Durst, for $221 per acre per year ($9,841.13 annually) for a period of two years with the option of two, one-year renewals upon consent of both parties.

Last week, the commissioners approved the purchases of new chairs and jury seats for the Miami County Common Pleas Court. The commissioners accepted a quote from Friends Service Co., Inc. under the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) and authorized Common Pleas Court to purchase new gallery style chairs, both fixed and removable, and jury seats. The gallery theater style fixed seating provides 69 individual seats for courtroom visitors at a cost that shall not exceed $62,770.25, including delivery and installation; the gallery style removable seating provides six individual seats at a cost that shall not exceed $3,374.18, including delivery and installation; and 28 jury box seating at a cost that shall not exceed $34,813.68, including delivery and installation, using open market pricing.

The commissioners also authorized the President of the Board of Commissioners Greg Simmons to sign the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Allocation Program grant agreement in the amount of $196,000.

The commissioners also awarded the contract for professional design and engineering services for the Miami County Courthouse Third Floor Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Upgrade Project with Garmann Miller Architects and Engineers. The Board of Commissioners authorized contract negotiations with said company on Feb. 7, 2019, and this is the second resulting project. The cost for said services is $73,800, which includes the project design, bidding documents, overall project management, meetings, system commissioning, and closeout services. The scope of this work will include replacing the air handler, ductwork, variable air volume boxes (VAV’s) to condition each space, heating hot water piping, chilled water piping, and building automation system controls. The new system will provide better air circulation, energy savings, and filtered/sanitized air. The estimated project cost is $930,000, including a $40,000 contingency amount.

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