TCAAC sponsors Southwest Ohio Artists and Artisans booth


TIPP CITY — Tipp City Area Arts Council and the Piqua Arts Council are proud to sponsor the Southwest Ohio Artists and Artisans Booth at the upcoming Congress & Great Lakes Circuit Cutting Championship from Wednesday, Oct. 4 to Sunday, Oct. 8 at the Preble County Fairgrounds. We invite our communities to stop by to not only watch some great horsemanship, but also browse our booth filled with original paintings, photography, metalwork, woodwork, fiber & fabric art, jewelry, pottery, handmade soap and cards.

Participating local artists and artisans include: Anne Asher, Kate Bowser, Janet Butsch, Gina Duncan, Greg Enslen, Susan Furlong, Thom Gabel, Jana Glass, Terry Glass, Sam Grillmeier, Angela Gillmeier, Jay Hartman, Anita Heras, Diana Hoke, Dan Knepper, Patrice Link, Linda Wells, Marie McConnaughey, Kristin Morris, Leslie Morris, Lily Nichols, Steve Paulus, Alison Rusk, Judy Reisser, Sue Shira, Mary Ann Simpson, Karen Farrell Skirha, Barry Todd, Rachel Upton, Steve Wohler, and Janet Woodworth.

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