TCS works to ‘give voice’ to students


By Aimee Hancock

Miami Valley Today

TROY — Troy City Schools Social-Emotional Learning Coordinator Megan Campbell gave an update to the board of education during its regular meeting Monday regarding her role within the schools and how the district is working to provide support to both teachers and students.

This year, Campbell said the district is utilizing Panorama Education, a data platform that collects key student information via surveys, giving educators a way to measure and improve student social-emotional learning and success.

Campbell said TCS is the first district in Miami County to have given a Panorama survey. The survey this year, she said, looked at trying to give student voice to “social-emotional learning competencies,” in grades three through 12, including supportive relationships, self-management, growth mindset, and self-efficacy.

“Our teachers killed it in supportive relationships,” Campbell said. “That was, by far, the district’s highest in every single building (and) above the national norm, which is incredible when you look at what we’re all dealing with right now.”

Within the supportive relationship part of the survey, students were asked about their supportive relationships with teachers, as well as supportive relationships outside of the classroom.

Campbell said there was also a write-in question on the survey where students were asked what teachers or other adults at school could do to better support them.

Other aspects explored through the survey for grades six through 12 were equity and inclusion. These survey questions attempted to measure diversity and inclusion, as well as diversity awareness and action, Campbell said.

These Panorama surveys will be given two times per year, in the fall and in the spring, with this year’s providing a “baseline” for the data collected.

The goal, Campbell said, will be to make data-driven decisions on how to best support students within the classroom in both academics and social-emotional growth.

Also during Monday’s meeting:

• A moment of silence was held in honor of former Troy High School special education teacher Elizabeth Gregg, age 83, who died Monday, March 1, 2021.

• The four-member THS saxophone ensemble gave a live performance to board members and attendees.

• The board approved a resolution of easement to certain parcels between Troy City Schools and the city of Troy. The easement, specifically the inner edge of sidewalk to the roadway, is part of the Hayner Cultural Center property on West Main. The city will be completing maintenance on the area and the easement will give additional space for work on the roadway. All areas interrupted will be repaired.

• The board accepted a list of donations for the month of March, totaling $49,249.95.

• The board entered into executive session for the discussion of employment issues and negotiations with no action taken.

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