Tippecanoe Historical Society digitizing records, photos


For the Miami Valley Today

TIPP CITY — The Tippecanoe Historical Society is currently in the process of digitizing a number of its records and photographs thanks to a grant from the Tipp City Foundation.

The purpose of a historical society is to preserve and then share that history. The Tippecanoe Historical Society fulfills that role for the Tipp City-Monroe Township community. Many people consider history boring but not the Tippecanoe Historical Society members!

The Tippecanoe Historical Society has been lucky in that it has received support throughout the years from the Tipp City Foundation (TCF). When the THS purchased the property that is now the museum, located at 20 North Third Street, the foundation assisted by granting money toward the mortgage, allowing the Tippecanoe Historical Society to move into the next phase of creating a museum with displays, to name but a few, of the canal era, local businesses that have closed their doors and schoolhouse memories.

Over the years, the TCF has approved a variety of grants for major items such as roof repairs. As stated earlier, one of the main purposes of a historical society is the sharing of history. Technology and the internet have drastically changed the method of sharing that history. The historical society recognized that it was time to digitize the pictures located in the files to allow easier access and make them available for the website at Tippecanoehistoricalsociety.org. To accomplish this task, the THS turned to the foundation for funding of equipment and supplies.

Among the equipment needed were a “larger” computer, specialized software and a “better” printer/scanner; supplies included archival plastic sleeves to protect paper and photos found in the museum’s archives. Everything was made possible through the TCF grant.

The digitization is ongoing; work is done with volunteers and of course, the pandemic has gotten in the way. The Tippecanoe Historical Society would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the Tipp City Foundation. Without its support, they would never have been able to start this important project.

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