Tippecanoe wrestling does it as a team; takes second at MVL wrestling


VANDALIA — It’s not that Tippecnanoe wrestling coach Nick Petro wasn’t excited about 170-pounder Collin Hanrahan winning an MVL title Friday night at the Vandalia SAC.

But, Petro was equally excited about everything the Red Devils team was able to accomplish.

That was obvious as Petro was jumping up and down as at times in his chair as Jacob Smith (220) won his third—place match in the Red Devils final match of the day.

As he and Smith and Petro walked off the mat, Petro pointed at Smith and said. “True Legend”.

“What Collin (Hanrahan) did was exciting,” Petro said. “But, you can say that bout every kid on this team. I think we came in second here tonight and they all contributed. The kids have put in the work to completely rebuild this wrestling program.”

Butler won the 10-team tournament with 253.5 points, while Tipp was second with 137.5 and Sidney was third with 124.

Hanrahan led the way. He improved to 15-2, pinning his way through the tournament.

After two pins in the second period to get to the finals, Hanrahan saved his best for last.

The top seed, he pinned Butler’s Holden Moreland in 1:53.

“I am really excited about it,” Hanrahan said. “It feels great to be an MVL champion. I was confident going in (to the title match). I had never wrestled him (Holden Moreland) before. It gives me a lot of confidence going into sectionals.”

Petro said it was an impressive performance.

“He came here (into the program) with one year’s wrestling experience,” Petro said. “He is a junior now. I am not even sure if he placed last year and now he wins the tournament.”

Finishing second for Tipp were Noah Schwieterman (106), Oliver Murray (120) and Sean Kelly (138) all finished second.

Schwieterman, 10-2, had a first period pin in the semifinals, before being pinned by Butler’s DShawn McKinney in the title match..

Murray, 11-3, had a first period pin in the semifinals before losing by tech fall to top seed Parker Lee of Butler.

Kelly nearly joined Hanrahan as champion.

The second seed, 15-4, had two first period pins to the advance to the title match and had a 9-3 lead late in the second period on top seed Colton Buckner.

But, Buckner hit a five-point move early in the third period to go up 10-9 and pinned Kelly with just 13 seconds left in the match.

Finishing third were Payton Bey (132), Cael Liette (152), Zach Shellhammer (160) and Smith (220)

Bey had two pins and a major decision, Liette had a pin and a tech fall, Shellhammer had a pin and Smith finished with three straight pins after losing his opening match.

Riley Logan (113) and John Broton (182) also had pins for Tipp on a night when hard work was rewarded.

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