Troy council approves contracts


TROY — Troy City Council met using the Zoom online meeting application to conduct business on Monday.

All members were present.

Last week, President of Council Bill Lutz said due to the meeting limitations due to crowd mandates, council legislation would be limited to city matters that require little to no public comment or feedback from residents until council chambers can be opened to the public in the future.

After council business, Mayor Robin Oda said, “I’m sure we’re all ready to back to a normal scenario at this point. We keep doing what the governor has been asking us to do.” She also said the council meeting online went well.

Director of Public Service and Safety Patrick Titterington reported how the city’s spring clean-up week went well. He also reminded residents the city’s Dye Mill facility is still open and operates during its regular hours of 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, closed Wednesdays and Sundays and open on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The contractor J. B. Mulch also offers mulch for sale from the facility. For more information, visit the city’s website for hours and prices.

Council member Bill Twiss asked about the corners of intersections being replaced and if it was residents’ responsibility. Titterington said it was the city’s responsibility and those intersections were being replaced due to disrepair.

Council unanimously approved the following resolutions:

• R-28-2020 Authorize bidding Sidewalk Program, $425,000. Phase 12 of the program includes the areas along East Canal Street to Floral Avenue, South Union to East Canal to Racer Street, East West Street from South Union to South Mulberry, East Simpson to South Clay to Crawford Street, Lafayette to Mulberry to South Clay, South Clay from Lafayette to East West Street. Property owners may make payments to the city or the work will be assessed to taxes. The project also includes replacing or establishing handicap ramps at intersections.

The resolution also includes $150,000 for sidewalks around Towne Park Drive.

The sidewalks will be along the north and east side of Towne Park Drive from Experiment Farm Road to the right-of-way at the private property drive for Walmart.

• R-29-2020 Authorize electric service franchise agreements, DP&L. The previous agreement expired in 2019. The new agreement is for 20 years.

• R-30-2020 Authorize electric service franchise agreement, Pioneer Rural Electric Cooperative. The previous agreement expired in 2019. The new agreement is for 20 years.

• R-31-2020 Water Tower Maintenance Agreements w/Utility Service Company for Herrlinger Water Tower and Stanfield Road Extra High Service Water Tower. The agreement is for 12 years with Utility Service Company of Atlanta Georgia for an annual cost not to exceed $65,372. The agreement includes exterior paint for the Herrlinger tower before 2023, interior paint before 2025 and other inspections as needed.

President Lutz continued the ordinance regarding the sale of property at Archer Park for its fourth reading. The committee has submitted questions to the park board of commissioners. The board cancelled its April meeting, but plans to meet at 4 p.m. May 5 at city hall.

Sidewalk program OK’d; water tower contract renewed

By Melanie Yingst

[email protected]

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