Troy Library plans Local Author Fair


TROY — The Troy-Miami County Public Library will host a Local Author Fair on Saturday, April 15, featuring appearances by a total of 13 authors from the Miami County area.

“They’re all published authors,” Adult Services Librarian Pam Ade said. “They’ll have their books with them and they’ll be ready to talk with people about how they got started, or what was the process to get to be a published author.”

The Local Author Fair is free, and will run from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 15 at the Main Library Branch located on West Main Street.

Featured authors will represent a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction genres. Confirmed authors include David Fong, Juliette Hyland, Christina Gardner, David Lindeman, Lee Barber, Stephen Hines, Vonnetta Mayo, Susan Leigh Furlong, Rob Brundett, Marla Fair, Mike and Karen Jackson, and Tim Smith.

“It’s a real mix of things,” Ade said. “A few are historical; the others are romance writers.”

“It’s all adult,” she said. “I’ve got one guy who did some teen novels.”

This is the library’s first time hosting the Local Author Fair, Ade said.

“It was a little bit hard to find at first,” she said. “People started coming out of the woodwork after I had selected all the authors.”

“If we do this again, I found more authors who are very local,” she said.

In exchange for booth space, the library asks each author to donate one of their books to the Local Author Collection.

“We have a small Local Author Collection, and we’d like to build that up,” Ade said. “We’ve asked all of the authors to donate at least one of their books.”

More information on the Local Author Fair can be found online at

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