Troy-Piqua football game set for Saturday night


TROY — Nothing can stop the Troy-Piqua football game.

Not even Covid-19 and the quarantines that come with it.

The last time the game was not played was 1911 and Troy currently leads the series 66-64-6.

And while it is hardly ideal circumstances this week for the Trojans, the game will go on.

Troy athletic director David Palmer and Piqua athletic director Chip Hare made the decision to move the game to 7 p.m. Saturday night to give the Troy players who are currently quarantined at least one day to practice as a full team before the game.

“This game is bigger than just a game in the league standings,” Hare said. “This is a very important game for the players and the communities. We are very appreciative of both David Palmer and the Troy administration for the efforts they have made to have this game and let the players have the experience of playing in this game — whether they are a senior playing in the game for the final time, or a sophomore playing in the game for the first time. It is a special experience for every player and we didn’t want to see them miss that.”

And the options for rescheduling the game from Friday night were limited.

“It had to be this weekend,” Hare said. “Moving the game later in the year wasn’t going to work. Because we both have other teams to play the rest of the year. So, Saturday night was pretty much our only option.”

Both teams are coming off not playing last week.

Troy because of the Covid issue and Piqua because of West Carrollton having a Covid issue.

“Our players have been preparing for this game since last week,” Hare said. “Obviously, that was rolling the dice a little bit since we couldn’t be sure the game was going to happen. All the activities we have planned around this game are going to go on as planned.”

And while there are no guarantees in the Covid era, there is a much better chance this game will go on with move to Saturday night — which is important to everyone.

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