West Milton ordinance publications


WEST MILTON — West Milton Village Council recently passed and introduced multiple ordinances that was on its agenda.

The following ordinances were passed, introduced or will be presented for a public hearing:

• Ordinance CM-23-02: an ordinance amending section 53.05 regarding collection of recyclables of the code of ordinances for the municipality of West Milton.

Introduced Jan. 10, 2023; passed Feb. 14, 2023.

• Ordinance CM-22-55: an ordinance amending section 137.09, pointing and discharging firearms and other weapons, of the West Milton Codified Ordinances.

Introduced Feb. 14, 2023; Public hearing will be March 14, 2023, at 7:30 p.m.

Ordinance CM-23-07: an ordinance amending section 51.223, sewer tap fees and special line assessments, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

Introduced Feb. 14, 2023 ; Public hearing will be March 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Ordinance CM-23-10: an ordinance ratifying the approval by council of ordinances passed by council from June 28, 2022 through Jan. 10, 2023.

This includes the following ordinances:

CM-22-19: an ordinance amending section 91.11, possession, sale and use of fireworks, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances for the purpose of addressing the provisions of amended substitute HB 1722 concerning the right of municipalities to retain the regulations and prohibitions of the discharge, ignition and exploding of fireworks that existed prior to the enactment of amended substitute HB 172.

CM-22-27: an ordinance to amend the “official zoning map of West Milton” as adopted by chapter 150.006 of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-28: an ordinance amending section 51.22(B), sewer rate schedule, of the code of ordinances for the municipality of West Milton.

CM-22-29: an ordinance to amend chapter 52, water rules and regulations, and to specifically amend section 52.116 of the West Milton Municipal Code titled Water Rates and Municipality.

CM-22-33: an ordinance to amend the official zoning map of West Milton as adopted by chapter 150.006 of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-37: an ordinance amending section 50.15, obstruction of gutters forbidden of the West Milton Codified Ordinances.

CM-22-38: an ordinance amending Chapter 50, Streets and Sidewalks, section 50.99 (A) Penalty of the West Milton Codified Ordinances.

CM-22-44: an ordinance amending section 150.333, Certificate of Zoning Compliance, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-45: an ordinance amending section 151.998(o), Fees, Charges and Expenses for Subdivisions, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-48: an ordinance amending section 50.01, Applications for Excavation Permit, Streets and Sidewalks, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-51: an ordinance amending section 91.11, Possession, Sale and Use of Fireworks, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

CM-22-53: an ordinance to appropriate funds necessary for the various departments and offices of the municipality of West Milton for the year 2023.

CM-22-54: an ordinance amending chapter 53, Garbage, Refuse and Recyclables of the Code of Ordinances for the municipality of West Milton.

CM-22-58: an ordinance to amend the 2022 appropriations and declaring an emergency.

CM-22-57: an ordinance amending section 150.333 (C), Certificate of Zoning Compliance, of the West Milton Code of Ordinances.

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