DeWine, Husted oppose federal rule


COLUMBUS — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted expressed written opposition to a federal rule that would endanger Ohio’s energy grid.

DeWine and Husted sent a letter to United States Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan regarding the agency’s “Final Rule” on fossil fuel power plants. DeWine and Husted agree with energy users, energy producers, and Ohio’s regional transmission organization, PJM, which have all have expressed concerns the rule will accelerate the decommissioning of currently operating power plants while slowing the ability of new plants to begin operation. The resulting decrease in available electricity would endanger supply and increase costs for all Ohio citizens.

“Ohio has had major successes in attracting businesses, in part, due to our reliable and affordable resources, including electricity. It is clear that this proposed rule would endanger the availability of reliable and affordable energy in Ohio and other parts of the United States,” said DeWine in a press release. “It is important that Ohio is on the record opposing this rule as we urge the U.S. EPA to pursue policies that reduce the harm to our nation’s energy supply.”

“Our ‘Made in America’ strategy is at stake with the implementation of these new EPA rules, which restrict the supply of reliable and affordable energy,” said Husted in the release. “Ohio continues to attract major companies, especially in the AI, semiconductor and manufacturing fields that have allowed us to diversify and strengthen our economy. An ongoing concern for our state is our ability to supply facilities with an adequate energy supply, and the federal restrictions and delays will inhibit our ability to provide that energy.”

The letter to Regan notes, “The EPA’s rule undermines Ohio’s prosperous economy, which requires a reliable and affordable system of electric generation” and “the reliability of grids across the country will be in jeopardy.”

DeWine and Husted also wrote, “At a time when Ohio and our nation are experiencing new levels of energy demand from onshoring manufacturing, the construction and use of electric vehicles, and data centers, this rule is irresponsible and economically foolish. The Final Rule puts Ohio’s economy at stake and harms Ohio’s residents and businesses, particularly those least able to withstand shocks to the power system’s reliability and affordability. The aspiration of ‘Made in America’ is being threatened by these new EPA rules that will restrict the supply of reliable, affordable energy.”

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