Council OKs annexation of land


TIPP CITY — The Tipp City Council approved two ordinances to modify the codified ordinances of the city of Tipp City and three resolutions during its meeting on Monday, Oct. 17.

Two of the resolutions approved were regarding renewing contracts that the city approves annually and the third resolution approved the annexation of over 78 acres of land into the corporate limits.

A resolution was presented Monday evening regarding the annexation of over 78 acres of land located at 4180 Tipp-Cowlesville Road on the east side of North Hyatt Street into the Tipp City corporation limits. Upon annexation the owners of the land, HJW Holdings VII LLC, will most likely be asking the land be zoned for light industrial.

Council member Ryan Liddy raised a concern for the citizens living in the area that this land runs up an industrial node. She noted that the majority of these homeowners most likely did not buy their homes in anticipation of living next to an industrial node. Matthew Spring, community development director, reassured Liddy the zoning are light industrial and would have little to no adverse effects on the nearby communities.

“The functions there would be less than what we would call ‘heavy industrial,’ so the environmental concerns should be much less … it wouldn’t have any substantive loud noises associated with it,” said Spring.

Potential impacts depend on what ends up being built at this location. For example, according to Spring, if a logistics facility is built traffic could be impacted or if the railroad is associated with it there may be logistical issues on Third Street that might impact the communities nearby.

After hearing from Spring, the council voted to approve the annexation of the property.

A second resolution approved Monday evening allows City Manager Timothy Eggleston to renew a contract with the Miami County public defender to pay the legal defense of indigent persons charged with jailable offenses. The contract is for $4,884.88.

Another resolution also regarding contracts with the city, dealt specifically the renewal of the city’s contract with Tipp-Monroe Community Services. The contract was for no more that $17,700 for recreational programs in the area, for 2023; it was unanimously approved by council.

The two ordinances were approved to modify the language of the codified ordinances in chapters 36, boards and commissions and chapter 97, trees. Both modifications included term limits for members of the boards and a section that would allow the City Council to remove members from the board if attendance and other stipulations are not being met.

In other business, Mayor Mike McFarland brought up the possibility of resuming the Tippecanoe Community Newsletter and asked the council for their direction. This is a topic that will be ongoing as the council determines when they would like to bring the newsletter back, what kind of information should be included in the newsletters and how often the newsletters will be distributed. Previously, the newsletters were distributed with residents’ utility bills both physically and electronically.

The next Tipp City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 7, at the Government Center, 260 S. Garber Drive.

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