Covington third grader battles Lymphoma


By Jordan Green

[email protected]

COVINGTON — Colton Foutz is a third grader at Covington Elementary School. Like most kids his age, he enjoys playing video games, football, and eating pizza. Last year, Colton began a new challenge in his life, as he was diagnosed with T-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

T-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects around 80,000 people in the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society. It specifically affects the T-Cells, which are type of white blood cell. These cells are released in immune responses and help the body identify and destroy foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, and even cancer. They also help regulate the body’s immune system.

In most cases, after the cells have done their job, they are broken down by the body to make room for their replacements. In Colton’s case, and in others like his, the cells not only stay, but they grow and multiply. They become what they were supposed to help protect against.

Colton is a great kid. When asked what his favorite thing was, he thought for a moment and enthusiastically said, “Sharks!” An avid Browns fan, he plays football for Covington’s youth team playing a variety of positions on offense and defense. His favorite subject in school is math, and he loves baked potatoes, particularly when paired with steak. But around last fall, Colton began to get sick. There was swelling in his neck, and while doctors initially thought it was viral, over Thanksgiving he received his diagnosis.

Colton has since entered a treatment program that will last roughly two and a half years. The treatments are strategic based on Colton’s current conditions, but at times can be random, with little notice.

“It’s hard to work. Sometimes we know a month in advance, sometimes we know the day before,” said Colton’s mother, Samantha Foutz. “It’s really kind of up in the air,” added Colton’s father, Justin Foutz, on the treatment schedule.

Colton has a big family support system around him. His parents, Samantha and Justin, along with their partners, and his siblings, Lucy, Taylor, and Jaden have all been with him every step of the way. And the community has rallied behind them as well.

“We are very thankful. There has been so much support, and the school has been amazing,” said Samantha.

“We want to keep awareness,” said Justin, adding that Colton enjoys knowing that people are rooting for him.

If you want to support the family, there are a variety of ways you can. Colton has a Facebook page called Colton Power, and you can follow for updates and to post messages of support.

Cards and donations through the mail can be sent to Covington Elementary School. Make any mailed checks out to Colton Foutz. The mailing address is:

Covington Exempted Village Schools

c/o Colton Foutz

807 Chestnut Street

Covington, Ohio 45318

You can also make donations through PayPal. His PayPal address is [email protected]. For detailed instructions on how to donate visit:

A little goes a long way.

Colton, you’ve got this.

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