Foundation offers $30K to help healthcare organizations


TROY — The Stouder Memorial Foundation has joined the effort to alleviate the ever growing needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sum of $30,000 was set aside to establish a quick responding resource for organizations in Miami County providing healthcare related services. Organizations applying for these funds are invited to participate in a process designed to quickly distribute resources for organizations working with residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Stouder Memorial Foundation is proud to join with The Troy Foundation in offering emergency funding to nonprofit organizations providing healthcare services in our area as they deal with the impact of COVID-19. We want to be of financial assistance to the many wonderful organizations that are providing help and hope to our community members during this challenging time. We will get through this together,” said Rachael Boezi, president of the Stouder Memorial Foundation Advisory Committee.

The UVMC Foundation was the first to receive funding in the amount of $8,500 in order to purchase an Abbott IDNOW Molecular Platform Rapid Testing device. This rapid tester will support hospital employees on the frontline and quickly diagnose patients, which will allow UVMC to provide timely care for those who have tested positive to COVID-19. Without the rapid testing devices, test results can take up to three days to be processed but with the rapid testing devices clinicians will receive results in less than 15 minutes.

Organizations interested in applying for funds are asked to submit a short letter detailing their need and how COVID-19 has affected their operations. These can be emailed directly to Kim Meier at [email protected]. The Stouder Memorial Foundation will review these as they arrive and notify recipients shortly after. For more information please call (937)339-8935.

The Stouder Memorial Foundation (Stouder) is an affiliate fund of The Troy Foundation. Stouder has a local volunteer board that oversees the grant cycles and decides upon grant awards while The Troy Foundation provides back office support.

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