Great Miami River rises 5-10 feet in two days


MIAMI VALLEY — The Great Miami River in Dayton and Hamilton is up about 5-10 feet, respectively, since earlier this week. Last night the Miami Valley received between 0.7 and 2.3 inches of precipitation, with a few locations receiving more than 3 inches.

MCD’s flood protection system of dams and levees is working as designed, preventing floodwaters from affecting downtowns along the river from Piqua to Hamilton.

Four of MCD dams — Germantown, Englewood, Lockington, and Huffman — are temporarily storing floodwaters. Storage begins when the water levels rise to near the top of the conduits (concrete openings) at the dams.

Storage at MCD’s dams was expected to crest Friday, except Englewood, which is expected to crest Saturday.

MCD staff continues to monitor river levels and take action as necessary. Staff closed storm sewer floodgates in West Carrollton, Miamisburg, Franklin, Middletown, and Hamilton overnight. Cities have storm sewer pipes running through MCD levees that drain city streets to the river. Floodgates built at the end of storm sewers remain open except when they are closed to prevent a rising Great Miami River from backing up into the storm sewer and into cities.

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