Letter: I fully endorse Judge Nasal


To the Editor:

Judge Gary Nasal is running for re-election as Miami County Municipal Court Judge. He’s finishing his ninth year as judge and served as County Prosecutor for the 18 years before taking the bench. I for one am comforted by the fact that we have qualified people like Gary Nasal to serve in these tough positions. Day after day, they deal with the ugliest things that people do to one another and see the worst of society.

I am glad to have Judge Nasal making those hard decisions. He has an extremely diversified legal, civic and elected background. He is a native Miami Countian and has lived and worked here all his life. He has proven his commitment to the rule of law, fairness and justice. He has also proven his ability as both a prosecutor and judge to effectively and economically administer the offices with which he has been entrusted.

Judge Nasal is trusted and respected by his peers. In the Miami Bar Association Poll, he received a 75% preferred rating over his opponent and his peers rated him 89% qualified or highly qualified as opposed to his opponent who only received a peer rating of 40% qualified or highly qualified.

When you take into account that Judge Nasal has a reputation as a tough judge and that most of his peers responding to the Bar poll are likely defense attorneys, it speaks to the trust they place in his fairness, impartiality and consistency.

I have known Judge Nasal for my entire 28 years as an attorney, and I have worked with him directly in many capacities. He is an intelligent, ethical and experienced judge. I fully endorse Judge Nasal in his bid for re-election. He has earned my trust and my vote. I respectfully ask you to join me in voting for Judge Gary Nasal on Nov. 2, 2021.

— David J. Caldwell


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