Letter: We support Kris Lee in his campaign


To the Editor:

It is a real pleasure, indeed an honor, for us to support Kris Lee in his campaign for re-election to the Piqua City Commission.

We have watched Kris serve his community in many roles, which brought significant benefits to our community, as mentioned by others who have written in his support. Kris has helped and supported kids all his professional life. Kris has taught many college classes at different institutions over the years. More than that, Kris’s values are consistent at home, too. Kris and his wife Peg have taken children who needed a loving home into their own.

His dynamic impact as a Commissioner, and more recently as Mayor of Piqua has been, and remains, positive and forceful. He is a visible presence in the community at many events and collegial in building relationships with our neighbor in Troy and beyond. We were not surprised to read Kris voice his support of his young opponent in this race. We don’t speak for Kris, but he has been a mentor of countless young people in the past, and his young opponent could find himself among them. Kris is a true unifier.

We support and are thankful for his service. We strongly urge the voters of Piqua to re-elect him!

— Gordie and Susie Wise


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