Logic and Emotion


By Kathy Henne

Contributing columnist

When making an important decision, you have two choices. You can follow your heart, a purely subjective method of decision making. You can also use your head, a more logical, and surely more objective, method. When buying your next home consider using both.

Begin with a left brain, logical, fact based approach. Make a short, realistic list of features and amenities you must have in your next home. As you begin looking at homes, ask questions regarding factual aspects of the home. These might include the age of the home, recent heating costs, and approximate age of the roof, furnace and central air.

Before allowing your heart to take over the home search, be sure you have gathered the specifics about homes to make sure that they meet your requirements. You will then be ready to turn things over to your right brain, emotional, intuitive side and follow your heart.

From the selection of homes that meet your requirements, ask yourself which home feels the most comfortable to you? Which home can you picture yourself and your family living in? Do you see your daughter walking down the lovely staircase on her way to the prom? Can you see your family enjoying a beautiful, sunny afternoon relaxing and cooking out on the deck? Will the big, fenced in back yard be perfect for your children’s swing set and play fort? Can you see your family gathered around the fireplace in the family room on Christmas morning? Can you picture your friends laughing and enjoying a party in the large, beautiful kitchen? Which one really gets you excited? Remember, at this point, all homes in your selection meet your requirements, so it’s ok to turn your heart loose to make the final decision.

Most of us listen mostly to just one or the other – our heart or our head. This is a time when two opinions are better than one. Make a well balanced decision and you’ll love your new home.

Contact the Kathy Henne Team Re/MAX by calling 937-778-3961

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