By Eamon Baird
TROY — The Miami County Commissioners accepted Community Housing and Impact Program (CHIP) agreements as requested by the Miami County Department of Development during their meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 13.
The commissioners authorized and signed an agreement with Diverse Residential Services LLC, of Washington Court House for housing inspection services for $86,400 and lead-based paint risk assessment and clearance services for $66,750, to be completed by Feb. 28, 2026.
On Dec. 21, 2023, the Board of Miami County Commissioners received proposals for the county’s 2023 CHIP services, which are utilized for improving and providing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income people.
In other business, the authorized the Sanitary Engineering Department to purchase one 2024 Caterpillar 938 M Wheel Loader for $320,768 and further trade-in the 2019 Caterpillar 938M Wheel Loader, with a trade-in value of $90,000 for a total cost after trade-in of $230,768.
Additionally, the commissioners established Thursday, March 14, to receive bids for the Miami County Courthouse Second and Third Floor Renovation Project and set a pre-bid conference on Monday, March 4, at 10 a.m. at the Miami County Courthouse Security Checkpoint.
“This is an exciting project for Miami County,” said Facilities and Maintenance Director Ben Howlett. “I appreciate the commissioners’ support in getting this beautiful building restored.”
“It’s going to be a good project, and we appreciate the participation of all the various people that served on the committee to guide the process,” Commissioner Wade Westfall said.
Commissioner Greg Simmons was not at the meeting as he was attending the 2024 National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.