Miami East MVCTC FFA holds annual awards banquet


CASSTOWN—The Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter recently held its 65th Annual Parent Member Banquet. Approximately 300 parents, members, and guests attended the Miami East High School Gymnasium.

Three officers, Madison Maxson, Wyatt Black, and Reagan Howell submitted Officer Books for review at the State Evaluations. All three earned a gold rating. They will be further recognized at the upcoming State FFA Convention.

The chapter was named a Top 10 chapter in the areas of growing leadership, building communities, and strengthening agriculture. Results will be announced at the upcoming State FFA Convention to be named the number one chapter in the state.

All FFA members were recognized for their participation in Career Development Events. The teams that have placed in the Top 5 in the state thus far this year are the Agriculture Biotechnology and Animal Welfare teams. They have earned a banner for the Agriculture classroom.

Chapter FFA Degree Recipients:

FFA members are allowed to earn four degrees during their membership in the organization. The first is the Greenhand Degree represented by a bronze pin. Students who have reached the second degree presented – the Chapter FFA Degree. 20 candidates met the minimum qualifications for this degree.

The candidates were Matthew Adkins, Shelby Buck, Kinsley Courtright, Alexa Deaton, Addy Fine, Brian Fulton, Madison Grube, Jon Hart, Brayden Havenar, Alyssa Helton, Emma Hershberger, Brandon Lane, Kaci Manns, Emmitt Ondera, Luke Robinson, Ava Skeens, Jenna Taylor, Zenia Wickcliffe, Gunner Weldy, and Emily Zawalich.

Honorary Chapter FFA Degree:

The Honorary Chapter FFA Degree was given to Mrs. Lauren Stevens, an active member of the Miami East FFA Alumni and Supporters.

Proficiency Awards:

Proficiency awards are designed to recognize the efforts of members who have outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experience programs and have kept accurate records.

Winners of the 2024 Chapter Proficiency Awards were: Wyatt Black for Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Entrepreneurship; Elisabeth Norman for Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Placement and Ag Sales Entrepreneurship; Alaina Helsinger for Ag Services and Beef Breeding Production; Cora Moore for Market Beef Production; Emma Hershberger for Dairy Production Placement; Hale Beck for Diversified Crop Production Placement; Madison Grube for Diversified Livestock Production; Kyle Larson for Forage Production; Luke Robinson forGoat Production; Jenna Taylor for Poultry Production; Alexa Deaton for Service Learning; Kinsley Courtright for Sheep Production; Elisabeth Norman for Small Animal Production; Kaci Manns for Specialty Animal Production; Haley Barnes for Specialty Crop Production; Rhylee Eichhorn for Swine Production Entrepreneurship; Fletcher Harris for Turf Grass Management; and Gunner Weldy for Vegetable Production.

Additional Awards:

Quality Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs are based on accurate record keeping and perfected record books. Students with outstanding record books in each of the classes were Freshman – Alek Fine and Garrett Hughes, Sophomore – Alyssa Helton and Jenna Taylor, Junior – Rhylee Eichhorn and Wyatt Black, and Senior – Kyle Larson and Jadyn Bair.

High scholastics are an important part of each high school student’s life. Results of the students with the highest academic records in their entire high school career include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources – KJ Gustin, Plant and Animal Science – Kaci Manns, Livestock Science–Junior – Wyatt Black, and Livestock Science-Senior – Ava Prince.

Madison Maxson, Emma Hershberger, Jadyn Bair, Memphis Hughes, Savannah Kelley, and Kaci Manns were recognized for selling over $1,000 worth of fruit during the chapter’s fruit sales. Madison Maxson was the highest selling fruit sales person. Madison and Evan Maxson were recognized for being the highest selling family.

Elisabeth Norman was recognized for being the highest selling sales person in the strawberry sales. Memphis and Garrett Hughes were recognized for being the highest selling family.

American FFA Degree Recipients:

The American FFA Degree is the highest degree for a member to receive in the National FFA Organization. This degree will be bestowed upon graduates at the upcoming National FFA Convention. Isaac Beal, Sydney Brittain, Luke Brunke, Ethan Fine, Keira Kirby, Jillian Niswonger, Matthew Osting, Dustin Winner, and Braden Zekas will receive their degree in October in Indianapolis, Indiana.

State FFA Degree Recipients:

The State FFA Degree is the highest degree received in the state. About 2% of the state’s FFA members earns their State Degree. Jadyn Bair, Ava Prince, Elisabeth Norman, Rhylee Eichhorn, and Wyatt Black will receive their degree in May.

Additional Chapter Awards were the Star Greenhand Award to Kyle Wright. The Excellence in Agriculture Award went to Alaina Helsinger. The Blue and Gold Award went to Madison Maxson. The Star Chapter in Agribusiness was Elisabeth Norman. The Star Placement was Fletcher Harris. The Star Chapter Farmer award went to Reagan Howell.

Chapter Officers Installed:

The 2024-2025 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter Officers were installed. They are as follows: Chaplain – Alivia Palivec, Sentinel- Hunter Barnes, Student Advisor – Haley Barnes, Reporter – Kaci Manns, Treasurer – Kyle Wright. Secretary – Kinsley Courtright, Vice President – Cora Moore, and President – Wyatt Black.

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