MU 10.9-mil operations levy language caution


To the editor:

The Board and Administration of MUEVSD have changed the language of this Renewal to a Continuing term from a 5-year Renewal. With voter approval, this change will mean the district voters will never again be able to vote on the 10.9-mil levy. It will be permanent. They made this same change on the 17-mil levy, that went mostly unnoticed, in the November election of 2021. With this change to the 10.9-mil levy language on the November 8, 2022 ballot approximately 7,000 district-registered voters will be disenfranchised from an up-or-down future vote. The ballot box is the only way for us to express concern over stewardship of taxpayer dollars and/or falling student performance on academics. Milton-Union is now in the bottom third of the nine schools in Miami County according the Ohio State Report Card recently issued, but we still spend time and money on non-academics like Social Emotional Learning and new highly controversial textbooks. Community members must get more involved with the management of our school.

Do not let this 10.9 levy become permanent. The May 16, 2022 School Board minutes recorded that if the 10.9 mil levy fails with the change in wording to continuing (making it permanent) they would have two more attempts in 2023 to pass it with the language changed back to a 5-year renewal. I ask you to reject the continuing language on this ballot and to fully support, by voting YES, on the second ballot as a 5-year Renewal.

Support ours schools, but more importantly, support student academic achievement.

Richard Detrick

Ludlow Falls

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