Painted pianos coming to downtown Troy


For the Miami Valley Today

TROY — This summer, visitors can make a little music while enjoying downtown Troy.

Sponsored by the City of Troy and Troy Main Street, the Painted Pianos Project will show off artwork from the Lincoln Community Center, the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center, and the Mayflower Arts Center on three “upcycled” pianos donated by area families.

The pianos will be placed downtown from now into August, inviting visitors to engage with downtown Troy while celebrating music and visual arts. One piano will be placed at the Miami County Courthouse Plaza, one near Prouty Plaza, and one on the southeast quadrant of the Square in front of Haren’s Market.

Street pianos as art installation picked up popularity in major cities through programs like the Play Me, I’m Yours program in the UK, and the trend spread worldwide through the 2000s and 2010s. Outdoor art like the Painted Pianos Project can create a more interactive and walkable downtown, create engagement with community members, and help promote the downtown to residents and visitors.

“Troy Main Street is excited to add another piece to our Sculptures on the Square and public arts projects with Painted Pianos.” said Andrea Keller, executive director of Troy Main Street. “Besides adding more art downtown, these pianos can be played, adding an element of the musical arts into our programs. Make sure when you come downtown this summer, you tickle those ivories and add your own flair downtown!”

The City of Troy and Troy Main Street thank Sheri Green, Shane Carter, and the Cundiff family for donating pianos, Scott and Kim Oglesbee for tuning the pianos, Lowe’s of Troy for providing painting materials, and Lincoln Community Center, the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center, and the Mayflower Arts Center for their artwork.

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