Register for Ohio Business Week’s summer business program


COLUMBUS — Ohio Business Week is excited to announce their 2023 summer business program. Ohio Business Week creates a hands-on experiential environment to educate, empower and encourage a diverse population of high school students to recognize and achieve their potential. Business leaders, educators, high school students and community volunteers teach and inspire one another to be responsible employees, employers and citizens.

Ohio Business Week places up to 200 high school students in a dynamic simulation where they compete as industry professionals, sharpen communication skills and face real-world challenges. With the guidance of a volunteer mentor from the business community, students gain a competitive edge in college preparation, workplace readiness and overall life success. This is the premier summer experience for current high school students to ignite their potential.

The week-long residential program will be held at Bowling Green State University June 18-23 and focuses on skills in entrepreneurship, leadership, communication, teamwork and problem-solving. Students undertake hands-on projects providing them the opportunity to operate a business and create a new product or service complete with a business plan, financials, marketing materials, a website and a commercial. The week concludes with a public tradeshow and presentation judging. Students can apply online at

Ohio Business Week Foundation was founded in 1988 to train and inspire high school students around business and entrepreneurship. Over the 34 years, there have been 53 camps with more than 6,800 students completing the program.

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