Simmons best qualified for commissioner


To the Editor:

I would like to ask the voters to join me in supporting Greg Simmons who is running for re-election for Miami County Commissioner.

Commissioner Greg Simmons brings plenty of county experience to the Commissioner’s Office.

• Greg Simmons served as chief probation officer in Miami County.

• Greg Simmons was director of the West Central Juvenile Detention Center in Miami County and received an award as a top director in the nation of the Juvenile Detention Association.

• Greg Simmons has worked diligently as Miami County Commissioner for the last four years.

• Greg Simmons is a United States Navy Veteran.

I could elaborate more about the accomplishments of commissioner Greg Simmons; however, I think most of you are aware of his professional dedication to the commissioner’s office.

I have known and worked with Commissioner Greg Simmons for nearly 40 years and I am aware of how well he works with all the elected officials in Miami County.

I have been Miami County Clerk of Courts for 44 years and have observed numerous elected officials come and go. I believe my experiences with Miami County give me a first-hand look at who would be best qualified as Miami County Commissioner — and that is Greg Simmons.

I am asking each of you to join me in voting to re-elect Greg Simmons for Miami County Commissioner on Tuesday, March 17.

— Jan A. Mottinger


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