Tipp City Council OKs public improvements


By Amantha Garpiel

For Miami Valley Today

TIPP CITY — The Tipp City City Council approved three ordinances relating to accepting public improvements completed by developers during the construction of Fieldstone Place and Cedar Grove subdivisions. City Council also approved two ordinances modifying the city’s code of ordinances and authorized the city manager to renew a contract.

The three ordinances passed by council on Nov. 6 accepts the completion of the public infrastructure recently completed by the separate developers of Fieldstone Place and Cedar Grove.

The infrastructure including in the three ordinances includes curbs, gutters, first course of asphalt, water pipes, storm sewers and sanitary pipelines.

Once accepted, the city retains crest and surety from the developers to cover remaining infrastructure such as the sidewalks and final layer of asphalt. The city also retains 10% for possible repairs required within the first year.

City Council also passed two ordinances that modify the city’s code of ordinances. The first ordinance modifies the city’s residency requirements for full-time city employees.

The requirements are found in chapter 37 of the ordinances. This modification changes the requirements to insist that city employees life either in Miami County or an adjacent county, and if not in either, they must live within 35 miles of the facility, “as the crow flies.” This amended ordinance also gives city employees a deadline of one year to make a move barring any hardships. Hardships that allow for extensions to the deadline are to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

The second ordinance modifies chapter 33 of the codified ordinances of Tipp City. Chapter 33 contains language and procedures relating to a mayor’s court. The city determined to bring this ordinance to remove and reserve the chapter, should it be needed later before the council, as a mayor’s court has not been used in Tipp City and staff does not foresee a use for it in the near future.

Also during the Nov. 6 meeting, council unanimously passed a resolution to authorize City Manager Timothy Eggleston to renew a contract with the Tipp-Monroe Community Services for various recreational activities in 2024. The cost of the contract is not to exceed $17,700.

“Tipp-Monroe Community Services acts as the city of Tipp City’s recreation department and they do an excellent job and their fee we pay them each year has not went up for probably 10 years, so we are getting a lot of good bang for the buck,” said Mayor Mike McFarland.

In other business City Council:

• Approved the 2024 capital improvement plan, which is a guideline for decisions made in 2024.

• Accepted the 2024 council meeting schedule.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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