City of Troy West Main closure update


TROY — The city of Troy has released an update on the status of the ongoing Tavern Building court case and the West Main Street closure, stating until the chief building official modifies his orders, the Cherry Street to Plum Street block will remain closed to vehicles.

The following is the current status sent in a press release from the city of Troy, as of Monday evening, Sept. 11:

“The Common Pleas Court (Monday) morning issued a ‘Notice and Entry of the Filing of the Court expert’s Report.’ This is the long-awaited structural engineering report from Daniel Geers on behalf of Judge Stacy Wall, paid for by the city and other parties to the case. In his report, Mr. Geers declares the building to be economically unfeasible given the extent of deterioration. He also states that it would be more expensive to reahabilitate the building for new uses than to tear it down and construct a completely new building.

Troy Mayor Robin Oda stated in the release, “Mr. Geers’ opinion is not a surprise, since the Planning Commission and Board

of Zoning Appeals concluded the same back in 2021 when they granted the Certificate of Appropriateness to allow demolition. As of today, we now have eight structural engineering reports. We hope the Court sees fit to resolve this issue now that its expert has weighed in and hopefully a lawyers’ conference on Sept. 22 will provide a quick decision. However, until the chief building official modifies his orders, West Main Street between Cherry and Plum must remain closed to vehicular traffic.”

To read the entire report, visit:

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