Governor DeWine, Lt. Governor Husted announce free employment services for military spouses


For the Miami Valley Today

COLUMBUS — Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) Director Matt Damschroder announced this week that the agency is undertaking an extensive outreach effort to offer free individualized employment services to spouses of active and former military members.

“We understand the unique employment barriers faced by veterans, active military members, and their spouses,” said DeWine. “We also understand the sacrifices spouses make when members of the military are transferred. Too often, spouses’ needs are overlooked. We want to change that, and let military spouses know that our employment professionals are ready, willing, and able to help them find new jobs.”

“We are working to make Ohio the most military-friendly state in the country for our servicemen and women and their spouses,” said Husted. “Connecting our military spouses with potential employers and providing training to meet those companies’ needs isn’t just the right thing to do to thank them for their service, it also creates a prosperous economic future for Ohio.”

Over the next six weeks, ODJFS will be contacting 45,000 current or former military members living in Ohio asking them to take a brief survey indicating whether they or their spouses would like this free assistance. Those who do will be contacted to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment. Services will be provided at OhioMeansJobs centers across the state, as well as through

“We’re very excited about this outreach effort,” Damschroder said. “Only a handful of other states are doing anything like this. Going forward, whenever veterans come to us for help with employment needs, we’re going to ask if their spouses would like assistance, as well.”

At their local OhioMeansJobs centers, veterans and their spouses can get help with their job searches, attend workshops or other training programs, learn about local labor market information, learn about apprenticeship programs, get referrals to local jobs and service providers, and more. All veterans in Ohio are given priority of service in referrals to job openings and other services. ODJFS also offers incentives for employers who hire veterans, through the federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit program and On-the-Job Training program.

At, veterans can get help translating their military job experience into civilian experience, post their resumes, and learn about possible federal and state benefits they may be eligible for. They also can view a “Military-Friendly Employer Registry” of employers who have declared themselves to be committed to hiring veterans.

Ohio has 88 OhioMeansJobs centers across the state. All of them offer free career planning, job training, and other employment services to Ohioans looking for work and to employers seeking workers. To find your nearest OhioMeansJobs center, visit or go to and select “FIND A JOB CENTER” at the bottom of the page.

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