Let school libraries educate, encourage free thinking


To the editor:

It saddens me to think that the politicalization of reading material has come to Troy schools. As a graduate of the class of 67’, I was allowed to read what the library had and encouraged by teachers to read widely and thoughtfully. In 1967 we debated the Vietnam war and civil rights issues in a county of strictly conservative values regarding both. Societal and cultural taboo imposed on our behaviors, but young people are aware of hypocrisy in their everyday lives. They are extremely aware of the diversity of differences in students and adults. This is a hallmark of adolescence. To resolve those differences and learn to mediate this knowledge is a hallmark of healthy maturation. At that time, we knew who the gay teachers were. It was a time of don’t ask don’t tell. Homosexuality wasn’t banned in the library. It could be found in the novel or any reference book or magazine that covered it. If exposure to those writings helped someone in their path to identity so much the better. Gender identity is a complex issue and reading about it will not be a motivating factor for those who may at this stage of their life be gender insecure. Banning books is banning free speech. Turn on your TV and watch the spewing of ignorant ideas as free speech. Can you protect me from the consequences of that speech by banning the news? You get my drift. Let the libraries do what they always have done to educate and encourage free thinking!

Mark Arnold

New York

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