Meet Jason Brown


Jason Brown is 44 years old and lives in Piqua with his mom, Cynthia, who is also a paid service provider for his personal needs through the Ohio Shared Living program. Brown, who often likes to be called J-Bird, has a very full life filled with enjoyable hobbies and activities.

Brown and his mom Cynthia do everything together including trips to Florida to visit his brother, sister-in-law and their children. Brown loves being an uncle, and although he doesn’t speak verbally, he once told his brother using sign language, facial expressions and gestures that the three children are his (Jason’s).

Cynthia says Jason is always in a good mood and always smiling.

“If he’s not, you know he’s not feeling well,” she said.

She also says he is very caring and likes to be part of a group. Brown likes to dance and sing, especially to Bruno Mars music. He also likes to watch “American Idol,” “The Voice” and “Masked Singer.”

One of Brown’s favorite outings is to shop at flea markets. He loves sports and enjoys getting to know all the stats — who won, who lost, who got traded. He likes the team who’s winning. His favorite sports to watch are football, baseball, basketball, professional wrestling and bowling.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Brown was active in a wheelchair basketball league in Dayton. These days he stays busy attending the adult day program at BLESS 3 days a week. If all of those things weren’t enough, Brown also is a big fan of soap operas because he knows everybody’s secrets, and he also has an extensive hat collection.

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